June 30 2024
The only constant is change. It’s something we hear all the time, but it has a different impact when you are experiencing those changes yourself. Over the last 6 months, Sierra Club California and California as a whole, have experienced some significant changes. We’ve had invaluable team members move on to new positions, while others have stepped up to find new and unique approaches to handling the many challenges we face. As a state, we have swung from incredible budget surpluses in past years, to a significant deficit that has left many important programs without the funding or support they need to be successful.
In Sacramento and across California, we have been working hard to move these changes in the right direction. We have fought to move California forward in protecting our communities and environment wherever possible while preventing backsliding that would cause additional harms. With your support, we have achieved important advances for transparency and public access, pushed back against oil and gas companies, supported 30x30 and conservation, and fought to clean up industrial processes. We are continuing to push for greater advancement in water, habitat, and wildlife conservation, full oil and gas divestment in state pensions, and an equitable and responsible strategy to meet California’s clean energy goals. More work remains, however, and we will continue to advocate for these core values beyond the end of the legislative session on August 31st.

There is another major change coming to Sierra Club California that I am very excited about. As I prepare to begin parental leave this summer, we will be joined by Bobbi Jo Chavarria as our new Acting Director! Bobbi Jo has been a dedicated member of the Sierra Club since 2010, with a progression of roles that have shaped her expertise and leadership skills. She began as a member, then took on the role of volunteer leader in the San Gorgonio Chapter's Political Committee. Her success in this position led to her appointment as Chapter Chair, where she continued to drive progress on environmental issues. Most recently, Bobbi Jo has served as a Senior Organizer with the National Field Team, focusing on transportation issues. With her extensive experience as a leader and organizer, she is well-equipped to guide the Sierra Club forward during this period of transition and continue to drive impactful change.
Before I go, I wanted to leave you all with one more thing. As change is constant, so is the dedication and purpose of Sierra Club California’s staff. This team has and will continue to ceaselessly advocate for California’s communities and environment. As I think about the future, it is the resolve and drive I have seen from everyone involved in this work that continues to give me hope for what tomorrow will bring.

Jason John
Acting Director
Sierra Club California is the Sacramento-based legislative and regulatory advocacy arm of the 13 California chapters of the Sierra Club.
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