
Environmental Justice Networks and Organizations

Deep South Center for Environmental Justice

People for Community Recovery

Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change

Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition

Little Village Environmental Justice Organization

Center for Earth Energy and Democracy

United Church of Christ Environmental Ministries

Our Power Campaign

Climate Justice Alliance

Indigenous Environmental Network

We Act

Alternatives for Community and Environment

Environmental Justice For All

Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services

State and Federal Environmental Justice Offices

Environmental Protection Agency

Department of Justice

Social Justice Organizations

Center For Popular Democracy

Center For Social Inclusion

Center For Community Change

National People's Action

Green For All 

Environmental Justice Law Clinics and Programs

Chicago- Kent

Tulane University

Golden Gate University

Georgetown University

Yale University

Harvard University

University of Chicago

University of Maryland

University of Miami

University of Texas

Environmental Justice Publications

People's Climate March

Dr. Robert Bullard

United Church of Christ Environmental Justice Blog

Toxic Waste and Race in the United States

Toxic Waste and Race at Twenty

Now is the Time

Standing Our Ground: Women, Environmental Justice, and the Fight to End Mountaintop Removal

Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature

Principles of Environmental Justice

Department of Energy 2014-18 Strategic Plan

Environmental Justice & Communities of Color

UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy

USDA Environmental Justice Synopsis


National Air Toxic Assessment Fact Sheet for 2005

A Study Highlighting Socioeconomic Position and Air Pollution

Making the Environmental Justice Grade: The Relative Burden of Air Pollution Exposure in the United States

The Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma Study

Alzheimer’s-like brain changes seen in young who breathed polluted air

Manganese exposure in urban areas and relation to Parkinson’s disease

Asthma in Children

Carbon and silicon in relation to an influx of morbidity in U.S. cities

A list of hazardous air pollutants that the EPA is required to control

Health effects of carbon pollution from power plants

Effects of air pollution from power plants on predominantly African-American Communities

Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Proposed Carbon Pollution Guidelines for Existing Power Plants and Emission Standards for Modified and Reconstructed Power Plants

Carbon pollution background information

Asthma and African-Americans, data

Air Pollution and Socioeconomic Status


Pollution and its health effects on members of indigenous communities, specific focus on the prevalence of diabetes in the community


Flint Water Crisis- Flint Water Study

Discussing effects of overexposure to mercury and detriment to the human body, particularly focusing on effects of mercury found in fish on the human body

Water quality among various U.S. cities

Subsistence fishing and the relationship to environmental justice

The health risks associated with subsistence fishing in the Anacostia River

A brief synopsis of the Holt family’s struggle to obtain water free from pollutants caused by a plant in Dickson County, TN

Sewer Overflows in the Anacostia

Federal Water Pollution Control Act

Information about Basic Water Contaminants, Specifically TCE

Pollution and its effects on the Anacostia

Tumors in Brown Bullhead in the Anacostia

DC Appleseed Regarding the Issue of Pollution in the Anacostia

EPA Water Resources

DC Appleseed Plan and Budget Analysis for Cleaning Up the Anacostia to Make it Safe to use for Recreation and Fishing