Sierra Club staff member invited to international Labor conference

Larry Williams Jr., Sierra Club's Labor and Coal Coordinator and former President of the Sierra Club's Progressive Worker's Union has been invited to participate as a panelist at the international convening called the Transatlantic Social Dialogue from June 20-22, 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. Every year, the Worker Institute, collaborates with the European Trade Union Institute and the German Hans Boeckler Foundation to bring union leaders and activists, academics and practitioners together to share experience and strategies across the European and U.S. labor movements.

This year, the panel on Labor in the Climate Transition, will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2019 on . Larry will be accompanied on this panel with representatives from Occidental College, IG Metal (German union), who is doing union organizing in the wind sector, a Belgium union who’s supporting the youth-led climate actions and Cornell University's ILR Worker Institute.