Rebecca Kling

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Press Releases

Evergy’s “Sustainability Transformation Plan” a Shift in the Right Direction

TOPEKA, KS. -- Earlier today, Evergy announced a five-year strategic plan with a focus on cleaner energy and reducing carbon pollution. The plan, which Evergy is calling its Sustainability…

Victory For Renewable Energy at Kansas Supreme Court

TOPEKA, KS -- Earlier today, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that utilities cannot charge customers who generate their own power more than customers who do not. The Court ruled in favor of…

Banking on Climate Change: Minnesota’s Fossil Fuel Projects Funded By Wall Street

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - On March 18, the Sierra Club and partner organizations released their 2020 banks scorecard, Banking On Climate Change, ranking the top international financiers of fossil fuels…

Evergy Misfires on Climate Goal

TOPEKA, KS -- On Thursday, Evergy--which serves approximately 1.6 million customers in Kansas and Missouri-- announced goals of “reducing carbon emissions'' and becoming “more environmentally…

Sunflower and Tri-State Cancel Holcomb Coal Plant Expansion

TOPEKA, KS -- Earlier today, Kansas-based Sunflower Electric announced it was cancelling the proposed 895 MW Holcomb 2 coal plant and that it would allow a construction permit for the facility to…

Coal Ash Regulation Proposed By EPA Would Put The Health Of Oklahomans At Risk

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- Last week, Ken Wagner, the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment, stated the State of Oklahoma is supportive and onboard with a proposal to devolve coal ash regulation out…

Proposed Gas Plants Could Leave MN Ratepayers On The Hook For Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

DULUTH, MN-- Two gas plant proposals would cost Minnesota ratepayers more for electricity than comparable clean energy portfolios (CEP), as shown in a Sierra Club analysis using a methodology and…

Electric Utilities are Operating Coal Plants Uneconomically in Competitive U.S. Energy Markets

ST. LOUIS, MO -- A peer-reviewed analysis of coal-fired power plants operating in markets across the United States, released by the Sierra Club earlier today, finds that many coal plants in market…

Young people from Duluth and environmental groups oppose new fossil fuel power plant at Court of Appeals

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA -- Today, environmental groups presented their oral argument asking the Minnesota Court of Appeals to overturn the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s (PUC’s) approval of the…

ADVISORY: Gas Plant Proposed for Superior, Wisconsin, Comes Under Scrutiny

DULUTH, MN / SUPERIOR, WI -- The Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) gas plant proposed for construction in Superior, Wisconsin, will receive public scrutiny in the coming weeks. The $700 million…