Rebecca Kling

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Press Releases

Central Minnesotans Tell Xcel, “We’re NO Fools!”

ST CLOUD, MN -- Earlier today, community members from across Central Minnesota held a press conference demanding that Xcel Energy commit to 100% clean, renewable energy, to express opposition to…

TOMORROW: Xcel Minnesota, We’re NO Fools! Press Conference

ST CLOUD, MN -- Tomorrow morning, organizations and community members from across Central Minnesota will hold a press conference to demand that Xcel Energy commit to 100% clean, renewable energy, to…

People’s Hearing Testimony Calls on Evergy for a Quick and Justice Centered Transition from Coal to Clean Energy

Kansas City, MO -- Evergy customers in Missouri and Kansas came together tonight to provide public testimony on the utility’s long-range energy plans for each state. More than eighty people…

Evergy Must Refund Unlawful Solar Surcharges

TOPEKA, KS -- Climate + Energy Project, Sierra Club, and Vote Solar filed a limited Petition for Reconsideration of the Kansas Corporation Commission’s February 25, 2021 order, to give greater effect…

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Anti-Renewable Energy Bill Moving Through Oklahoma Legislature

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- House Bill 2034, a bill prioritizing oil and gas, is working its way through the Oklahoma legislature and would have a devastating impact on renewable energy in the…

Kansas Corporation Commission Ruling A Win for Solar and Customers

TOPEKA, KS -- Today, the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) unanimously rejected Evergy’s proposed rate changes for residential solar customers, denying the utility’s attempt to impose a…

TODAY: Build Power MoKan Calls For Extended Utility Shutoff Moratoria

KANSAS AND MISSOURI -- At noon today, Build Power MoKan will host a Virtual Press Conference and Rally to call on elected leaders, regulators, and utilities to extend the shut off moratoria in…

The Oklahoma Legislature Must Prioritize Climate Action

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- The Oklahoma State Legislature reconvened on Monday, February 1, amidst the COVID pandemic, an ever-worsening climate crisis, and national conversations about racial and…

Sierra Club Proposes Alternative to Xcel Resource Plan

MINNEAPOLIS, MN -- Earlier today, the Sierra Club submitted its comments on Xcel’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC). While Xcel’s IRP includes some…

Minnesotans Demand 100% Clean, Affordable Energy From Minnesota Power

DULUTH, MN -- Earlier today, the Sierra Club and the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy held a joint press conference to discuss yesterday’s petition delivery of almost…