Wild Colorado Extravaganza

St. Cajetan Catholic Church provided food, music, and media for a Sierra Club Wild Colorado Extravaganza, September 9. Latino/Latina community church-going youths, their family members, and other Denver locals attended this delightfully extravagant house party hosted by Bryce Carter, a Denver-based organizer for the Sierra Club's Our Wild America campaign.

wild colorado extravaganza sierra club

To start, Zumba instructors led activists in this most active of activities. Healthy and hearty, delicious and nutitious food fueled the fun.

wild colorado extravaganza sierra club

Attendees of all ages play yard games and enjoy the plentiful party offerings.

It's no wonder that the majority of the almost 70 church members and 10 other locals expressed interest in future Club/Church events at sign-in.

Thanks be to the Sierra Club Wild Colorado Initiative members and Linda Sosa & other church leaders for their hard work in advocating for the enjoyment, exploration, and protection of our public lands.


Our Wild America carries on the Sierra Club's long legacy of protecting America's beautiful wildlands. We believe that America's public lands are held in "public trust" for and by all Americans, providing opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors, and come together to share experiences.

Learn more About Our Wild America 

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