Sierra Club: Gorsuch is Unfit to be Supreme Court Justice


Dan Byrnes, or (202) 495-3039

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Donald Trump announced that he plans to appoint Neil Gorsuch as a Supreme Court Justice.


Gorsuch is a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. He previously served in the Justice Department as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General.


The Sierra Club will join others on the steps of the Supreme Court tonight at 9 p.m. to rally against Trump’s pick.


In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:


"As the highest court in the country, the Supreme Court must be composed of justices that are fair, even-handed, and thoughtful. Unfortunately, Judge Gorsuch, Donald Trump’s choice to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, is none of those things and must be rejected. Gorsuch has proven himself hostile to environmental protection, women’s rights, and the rights of workers and cannot be trusted to protect our air, our water, or our communities.


"The Supreme Court has the responsibility of deciding on the cases that protect everything from our clean air and water to our civil rights and liberties. Gorsuch is not fit for that responsibility. Gorsuch has shown he will prioritize his warped ideological views instead of using our Constitution as a guide. His dangerous views favor polluters and industry over the rights of the people. His record shows that he will limit the access of everyday Americans to the courts and prevent agencies like the EPA from fulfilling their mission and doing their job to protect our air, water, and health. He’s even been described as more extreme than Justice Scalia.


“As a Supreme Court Justice, Gorsuch could undermine countless safeguards, including those that protect the civil rights, workers’ rights, women’s rights, and the health and safety of our environment. We strongly urge Senators, who are elected to represent and protect the American people, to stand up for families across the nation, oppose this nomination, and use every tool in the shed to block this extremist nominee.”

