ICYMI: With Wheeler at EPA, Murray Energy Doesn’t Need Lobbyists


Lauren Lantry, lauren.lantry@sierraclub.org

Today, the Huffington Post reported that Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s old lobbying firm, Faegre Baker Daniels Consulting, was fired by Murray Energy shortly after Trump announced his plans to nominate Wheeler to head the EPA.

As Judith Enck, a former EPA official noted, Murray Energy no longer needs to hire the firm because they already have an in with Wheeler: "Murray has cut out the middleman. They’ve got their pro-coal guy in the driver’s seat at the EPA.”

In response Sierra Club Legislative Director Melinda Pierce released the following statement:

“If there was any doubt that Wheeler was in the pockets of the coal industry, look no further. With Wheeler at the EPA, Murray Energy has a direct line to the phone booth in the administrator’s office.”


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