Leaked Bill Details Confirm Ohio Legislature move Toward a Nuclear Energy Bailout


Ricky Junquera - (617)599-7048 - ricky.junquera@sierraclub.org

Neil Waggoner - (330)730-5109 - neil.waggoner@sierraclub.org

Columbus, OH-- Earlier this morning, leaked details of a legislative nuclear bailout was reported by longtime energy reporter John Funk. It appears that the state legislature hopes to introduce a bill that will raise customers’ monthly electric bill in order to bail out old uneconomic nuclear plants.

In Response, Neil Waggoner, Campaign Representative for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in Ohio released the following statement:

“This bill is a farce. Not only would it force Ohioans to pay more each month on their electric bills to bail out old nuclear plants that are losing money now and will only continue to lose money in the future, it would also effectively kill current programs that are driving money saving energy efficiency investments and clean energy development.

“If the legislature is seriously concerned about carbon and clean air, they should pursue a comprehensive energy agenda with a focus on how to increase investment in energy efficiency, expand clean energy development, and support communities disproportionately impacted by the transition away from, and retirement of, dirty energy generation.

“This scheme is just a new energy tax on Ohio electric customers to maintain uneconomic energy generation, and reward FirstEnergy’s bad business decisions.”

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