Michigan Task Force Plan for PFAS Action Step in Right Direction


Lansing, MI-- Today, the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team announced the first step in the Whitmer administration’s plan to put in place a legal limit on per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS chemicals that widely contaminate Michigan drinking water. The single digit limits proposed today on PFOA and PFNA would represent strictest in the nation. For more information about the plan, see here. The Michigan PFAS Action Response Team’s recommendations are a first step in the process to set a maximum contaminant load for PFAS in drinking water, which is a legally enforceable standard. 

In response to the announcement, Christy McGillivray, Great Lakes Organizer with the Sierra Club’s Michigan Chapter, released the following statement:

“The recommendations are astep forward in protecting moms and children-- those who face the most harm from these chemicals. Michiganders have seen how widespread chemical contamination across our state has harmed our families and will burden children with a lifetime of health complications. It’s relieving to see an administration that understands these environmental injustices, and is fighting to protect public health. 

“The best science suggests PFAS limits should be stronger-- at one part per trillion or lower-- to fully protect pregnant women and infants from these toxic chemicals. Today’s proposed values are a strong start, and the final legal limits should match the health-based values.

“We support Governor Whitmer’s efforts to address the PFAS crisis. Michigan must hold polluting chemical companies accountable. It’s past time we move away from protecting the interests of corporations to safeguarding our drinking water, children and communities.”

Michigan PFAS Action Response Team Proposed Values:

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