
2 de octubre de 2020

Comunidades de todo el país aplauden una decisión de juez federal que requiere que la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) cumpla con la ley e investigue quejas de derechos civiles oportunamente.

September 23, 2020

Oakland, CA -- Today, a Kentucky grand jury indicted only Brett Hankison, one of the three officers involved in the murder of Breonna Taylor, on three counts of wanton endangerment in the first degree. 

In response to the grand jury’s decision, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

17 de septiembre de 2020

El Sierra Club expresa su gratitud por la enormidad de las contribuciones de la comunidad latina al movimiento ambiental y nuestra organización, pese a que este movimiento no ha sido todo lo abierto que debería.

September 17, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC - In September 1968, Congress authorized President Lyndon B. Johnson to proclaim National Hispanic Heritage Week. The original celebration was observed during the week that included September 15 and 16 and was expanded in 1988 by Congress to a month-long celebration (Sept. 15 - Oct. 15), effective the following year.

16 de septiembre de 2020

Bloomberg Philanthropies y el Sierra Club anunciaron que la campaña Más Allá del Carbón ha logrado retirar el 60% de las plantas térmicas de carbón de Estados Unidos —318 de las 530 hasta hoy. Este hito duplica la meta original, establecida en 2011, la cual se comprometió a retirar el 30%, la mitad, del total para este año 2020 y a acelerar la transición hacia una economía de energía limpia.

August 24, 2020

Kenosha, WI -- Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune and the Sierra Club Southeast Gateway Group Co-Chairs Tom Rutkowski and Laura Buska issued the following statement following the shooting of Jacob Blake by Kenosha Police Department officers. In June, following the tragic murder of George Floyd, the Sierra Club joined racial justice activists to call to defund the police and invest in initiatives that ensure the survival of Black people.

August 24, 2020

Kenosha, WI -- Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune and the Sierra Club Southeast Gateway Group of Wisconsin Co-Chairs Tom Rutkowski and Laura Buska issued the following statement following the shooting of Jacob Blake by Kenosha Police Department officers. In June, following the tragic murder of George Floyd, the Sierra Club joined racial justice activists to call to defund the police and invest in initiatives that ensure the survival of Black people.

August 6, 2020

A broad coalition of justice and environmental groups sued the Trump administration today over its regulations that would gut environmental reviews and silence community input.

July 27, 2020

Detroit, Mich., -- Today, community members and environmental justice advocates in Detroit celebrate as Michigan Department for Environment Great Lakes and Energy announced that they have reached an agreement with Marathon Petroleum over a number of violations including a toxic release incident in February 2019.

July 20, 2020

Washington, DC -- Late Friday evening, Congressman John Lewis, an icon of the Civil Rights Movement and representative for Georgia’s 5th congressional district for more than 30 years, passed away. 

In response, Sierra Club National Director for Policy Advocacy and Legal Leslie Fields released the following statement:

July 15, 2020

Today, Donald Trump is expected to announce final new regulations gutting requirements for environmental reviews of fossil fuel infrastructure, logging projects, and other major federal actions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

July 5, 2020

Today, following years of legal and community opposition, Duke Energy and Dominion Energy announced they are cancelling construction of their 600-mile, $8 billion fracked gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline.