Chapter eNewsletters

Chapter eNewsletters are published twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. 

2024 eNewsletters

September, Volume 1
Reviewing the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan Webinar Part Two, Guardians of Nature Benefit and Silent Auction, Forest Protection Forum, Military Outdoors Events, Ravenswood Business District, Letter to the Editor Writing Group, California Brown Pelicans at Risk, Turf Ban Proposal Updates, Ludlow Hut Work Party, Ren Fu Villa Residential Project, Hikes Roundup, and much more!

August, Volume 2
Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan Webinar, Letters to Ban Artificial Turf, Reduce Light Pollution, Forest Protection Forum, Groundwater Rise Animated Video, Marbled Murrelets at Risk, BCDC Commissioners Petition Letter, Ravenswood Business District, Letter to the Editor Writing Group, Guardians of Nature Early Bird Tickets, Santa Clara County Habitat Agency, Comment Letters, Wilderness First Aid, Hike Roundup, and much more!

August, Volume 1
New Groundwater Rise Video, Forest Management Educational Hike, Palo Alto Airport Expansion, Benefit Early Bird Tickets, Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan Webinar, Ravenswood Business District, Marbled Murrelets at Risk, Forest Protection Forum, Military Outdoors Meetup, Parkline Project DEIR, 1301 Shoreway Project EIR, hike roundup, and much more!

July, Volume 2
Alviso Salt Marsh Tour, Cesar Chavez and Our Chapter, Bay Alive Campaign in San Mateo Daily Journal, Letter to the Editor Writing Workshop, BCDC Commissioners Petition Letter, Military Outdoors Events, Ravenswood Business District Comment Letter, Forest Management Educational Hike, Hikes Roundup, and much more!

July, Volume 1
2024 Guardians of Nature Benefit Early Bird Tickets, Ansel Adam Stamps, Letter to the Editor Writing Workshop, BCDC Commissioner Petition Letter, California Least Terns at Risk, Seeking Executive Committee Candidates, Military Outdoors Events, Comment Letters, Forest Protection Forum, Palo Alto Environmental Stewardship Team, Hike Roundup, and much more!

June, Volume 2
2023 Chapter Summary, San Jose Homeless Residents, Military Outdoors Events, Sea Level Rise Contamination Threat, Wilderness First Aid Training, Nutrient Permit, Redwood City Ferry Terminal, Milligan Parking Lot Light Pollution, Hike Roundup, and much more!

June, Volume 1
Delta at a Crossroads, Montezuma Carbon Capture Project Webinar, a Forest Journey Presentation, Ferry Terminal at Port of Redwood City EIR, 2024 Guardians of Nature Benefit October 4th, Coyote Valley Corridor Study Draft Economic and Policy Assessment Report and Artificial Turf Recommendation in Architectural Digest Comment Letters, hike roundup, and much more!

May, Volume 2
30x30 and Wilderness Act 60th Anniv Hike, Military Outdoor Events, Snowy Plovers at Risk, Loma Prieta Pride at Santa Cruz Pride, Call for Prohibition of Artificial Turf in Santa Clara County, hike roundup, and much more!

May, Volume 1
Hiker's Hut Volunteer, Guardians of Nature Oct 4th, Forest Protection Committee Volunteer, Nash Road Quarry Reclamation Plan, Midpen Parking Area Design Guidelines, Environmental Rules, Upcoming Hikes, and much more!

April, Volume 2
2024 Guardians of Nature Benefit Date and Honoree, Ridgway's Rails at Risk, Forest Management Educational Hike, Preserve the Cork Oak Tree, Nature in Mountain View Parks, Earth Month 2024, Saratoga Acorn Woodpeckers at Risk, Pole Walking Exercise and Mobility, Forest Protection Forum, Many Comment Letters, Roundup of Hikes, and much more!

April, Volume 1
Earth Month Planet vs. Plastics, 2024 Guardians of Nature Benefit Oct 4th Honoree Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, Mountain View Nature in Parks, Forest Protection Forum California Forests Aren't Fuel, Create Positive Change Together, Regenerative Agriculture, Black Skimmers at Risk, Sunnyvale Project Feasibility Study, Priority Conservation Area Refresh Draft Final Report, US 101 Freeway Expansion vs. Lane Conversion, and much more!

March, Volume 2
BCDC Commissioner Lobbying Training, Peninsula Clean Energy Comment Letter, Death Valley Camping Trip, Black Skimmers and Night Herons at Risk from Sea Level Rise, Celebrating Women's History Month, Lightweight Backpacking Course, Artificial Turf Comment Letters, Forest Protection Forum, Hike Roundup, and more!

March, Volume 1
Celebrating Women's History Month, Harms of Artificial Turf, Protecting San Jose Waterways, San Jose Clean Energy Webinar, Forest Protection Forum, Bay Alive Campaign Video, New Bay Alive Campaign Website, Outing Leader Training, Military Outdoors Events, and much more!

February, Volume 2
Dark Night Sky, Lehigh Southwest Cement Plant, Bird Safety Design, Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project, Sea Level Rise, 30x30, Burrowing Owls, Hike Roundup, and much more!

February, Volume 1
Love Connections on the Trail, Planning Commission Against John Smith Road Landfill Expansion, Wilderness First Aid and Backpacking Courses, Forest Protection Forum Conservationists Stopped Logging Plan, Montezuma Carbon Hub, BCDC's One Bay Vision, OneShoreline Sea Level Rise Protection Project, Military Outdoors Activities, and much more!

January, Volume 2
30x30, Palo Alto City Council meeting, San Benito County Planning Commission Decision, Event Planning Volunteer Team, Comment Letters to San Jose, Creative Volunteer Contributions, Hike Roundup, and much more!

January, Volume 1
News Articles Featuring our Volunteers and Staff, Newfangled Horizontal Levees, King Tides Show us the Future, Comment Letter on Valley Water's Water Supply Master Plan 2050, Forest Protection Forum, Hike Roundup and much more!

2023 eNewsletters

December, Volume 2
$15k Match Challenge, Hiring Chapter Coordinator, Executive Committee Member Testimonial, Artificial Turf Health Risks, and much more!

December, Volume 1
Executive Committee Elections, $15k Match Challenge, Millbrae and Burlingame Shoreline Area Enhancement, Forest Protection Forum, Comment Letters, First Aid Course, Heritage Oaks Project in Coyote Valley, and much more!

November, Volume 2
Coyote Valley Threatened, Sea Level Rise Guidance, San Mateo Updated Housing Element, Risk to Newark Wetlands, Kristina Loquist Interview, and much more!

November, Volume 1
Chapter and Group Executive Committees Elections, Stanford University Community Plan, Hiring Community Outreach and Bay Alive Campaign Assistants, Comment Letters (Plastic Pollution, Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project, OneShoreline NOP Comment Extension, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Resolution of Necessity), Breeze of Innovation Light Tower Survey, and much more!

October, Volume 2
Dark Skies and Stanford Community Plan Update Comment Letter, Hiring Community Outreach Assistant, Young Adult Volunteers, Wilderness First Aid Courses, Hike Roundups, and much more!

October, Volume 1
BCDC's Shoreline Vision Survey, Congresswoman Lofgren's Tribute to Florence LaRiviere, Hike Roundup, Join the Forest Protection Committee, Sierra Club California Director to Speak at Conservation Committee, Newsom Signs SB272, and much more!

September, Volume 2
Discover Great Experiences, Moffett Park Improvements, Sunnyvale Habitat Protection, Hike Roundup, Outings Leader Certification, Ecology and Nature Poetry, Calling Volunteers with Web Management Skills, and much more!

September, Volume 1
Protect San Francisco Bay, New Communications Specialist, Toxic Red Tide Subsides, First Aid Courses, Bat Fest, Hike Roundup, Guardians of Nature Benefit, Pets in Nature, Biodiversity and Endangered Species Webinar, Read There Are No Accidents, and much more!

August, Volume 2
Lehigh Cement Plant Closing, Bay Advocate Training Webinars, The Rights of Nature, 30x30 Progress, Hike Roundup, Guardians of Nature Early Bird Prices Ending Soon, Military Outdoors, The New Wilderness, and much more!

August, Volume 1
Bay Advocate webinar series, The Rights of Nature webinar, hike roundup, Military Outdoors, Read "The New Wilderness", Guadalupe Regional Group's new Chair, reducing heat in cities with trees, run to be a Chapter Executive Committee member, and much more!

July, Volume 2
Toxic Site Flooding, Better Water Rights System Rally, 2023 Guardians of Nature, Bay Alive Campaign, Mayra Catalán-Orozco Volunteer Spotlight, Sea Level Projections Too Low, Hike Roundup, Rescuing the Planet August Book Club, and much more!

July, Volume 1
EPA Invests in SF Bay, Bay Alive Tackles Sea Level Rise, Better Water Rights System Rally, 2023 Guardians of Nature Benefit, Naturalist Training, Youth Leadership Summit, Environmental Stewardship Program, and much more!

June, Volume 2
Pacheco Dam Project Violation, 2023 Guardians of Nature Benefit, Marshes Buffer and Protect, San Leandro's Underground Infrastructure Threatened, Volunteer Cleanup, Electric Leaf Blower Rebates, and much more!

June, Volume 1
San Jose Climate Smart Cuts, Sea Level Projections Too Low, 2023 Guardians of Nature Benefit, Toxic Sites' Flooding Risk, BioBlitz, Event Roundup, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration, Military Outdoors, and much more!

May, Volume 2
2023 Guardians of Nature Benefit, 2022 Chapter Summary, Sediment as Sea Level Rise Solution, Regenerating Historical Ecology, Stopping Pacheco Reservoir, Combatting Forever Chemicals, and much more!

May, Volume 1
2022 Chapter Summary, Regenerating Historical Ecology, Environmental Stewardship Program, South Bay Salt Ponds, Military Outdoors, Environmental Book Club, Sierra Club Executive Director Ben Jealous, and much more!

April, Volume 2
2022 Chapter Summary, Redwood City Council Development Public Comments, Environmental Stewardship Program, Stop Pacheco Reservoir, Require Big Companies Disclose Climate Info, 2023 Priority Bill List, and much more!

April, Volume 1
Spring Match Challenge, Economics of Logging, Phasing Out Gas Furnaces and Water Heaters, Wetlands Economic Value, Proposed Slash on Coast Protection Funds, Wild and Scenic Film Festival, and much more!

March, Volume 2
Air District Adopts Landmark Climate Policies, Volunteer with Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center, BioBlitz, Growing Native Garden Tour, Peninsula Clean Energy Rebates, and much more!

March, Volume 1
Historic Clean Appliance Standard, Protect Mountain View Nesting Sites, Bay Area Sea Level Rise, Electric Devices Restricted to Palo Alto Paved Trails, No Public Storage Signage, Opposing Electronic Billboards, and much more!

February, Volume 2
Black History Month, Trailblazer Sam McDonald, First Black National Park Superintendent Colonel Charles Young, Planning for Life Sciences, Environmental Stewardship Program, Basic Backpacking Course, and much more!

February, Volume 1
No OHV in Henry Coe State Park, Seven Biggest Mistakes Trustees Make, Learn Wilderness First Aid, BioBlitz, Growing Natives Garden Tour, Securities and Exchange Commission Climate Rules, and much more!

January, Volume 2
Shooting in Half Moon Bay, Cesar Chavez Light Project, Peninsula Conservation Center Building Electrification, Groundwater Rise's Hidden Threat, Eliminated San Jose Parking Minimums, and much more!

January, Volume 1
King Tides Project, Bay Area Algae Bloom, 17 Acres Conservation Purchase, Environmental Book Club, BioBlitz, Where Recycled Material Goes, San Mateo County Housing and Community Needs, and much more!

Previous Years' eNewsletters

2022 eNewsletters