What We Do

The Chapter’s efforts span a range of activities which are basically inter-related, but which can be thought of as falling within one of three primary categories: Conservation, Politics, and Outings.


Our conservation initiatives are undertaken by a number of issue committees.  For example if you have an interest in a water issue, chances are that it will be addressed within the Water Committee.  Similarly, our Forest Protection Committee works on issues that affect the health of our forests.  We also have an overall Conservation Committee which serves as an umbrella organization over all of the issue committees.  To see a list of our issue committees please go here.  If you have questions or are not certain where your issue might lie, please contact our Conservation Committee Chair. The Chair will be glad to direct you to the appropriate person to talk with, or perhaps assist you with starting up your own issue committee.


Our political activities are primarily directed by our Political Committee.  The Committee is responsible for all endorsement activities, as well as supporting those candidates who we have endorsed.  We also try to maintain contact with all of our legislators, developing relationships with them and educating them when necessary.  To find out more about our political activities see the Politics page.


Outings are the lifeblood of the Loma Prieta Chapter.  We have a number of activity sections that undertake all sorts of outdoor activities, ranging from hiking to skiing to kayaking.  There are a number of hiking sections, because they differ based on the difficulty of hikes as well as the ages of those who are involved.  All of the sections have a social component, with additional activities such as pot luck dinners, with some having more of an emphasis on that than others.  To see a listing of our activity sections, start at the Outings page or go directly to the outings group you are interested in if you already know which one you want.