Benicia Derails the Oil Train

Late in the evening of Thursday February 11 a unanimous vote of the Benicia Planning Commission derailed Valero Refining Company’s plans to construct a rail terminal at its Benicia refinery to receive trains carrying highly toxic and explosive crude oil. The proposal would have resulted in several mile-long oil trains rolling through dozens of California communities -- including downtown Sacramento -- nearly every day.

The decision came after four successive nights of hearings in which dozens of people spoke out against the proposal, arguing that the trains would pose a unacceptable health hazards to humans along its route and risk other major environmental catastrophes as well.  Last October the Sierra Club submitted detailed comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR), pointing out numerous inadequacies that made it an insufficient basis for project approval. The Planning Commission, in declining to certify the EIR or approve the requested permits, evidently found that reasoning compelling.

Although this decision represents a major victory against the increasing nationwide practice of shipping large amounts of crude oil by rail, it is not yet complete, since an appeal to the city council is expected. Please stay tuned!