For more information on the Napa Group, visit their website at
Napa Group Outings Chair:
Provides leadership, direction and oversight to group outings program and its outings leaders, working to make outdoor activities an integrated and vital element of the group’s efforts.
Responsibilities Include:
- Being familiar with the Outings Leader Handbook and all Club policies and procedures pertaining to the Group outings program.
- Ensuring that Group outings follow Club policies and procedures.
- Managing and minimizing the risks of Group Outings.
- Maintaining training and first aid certification requirements for Group Outings Leaders and ensuring all active leaders have met these requirements.
- Maintaining communication with the Chapter Outings Chair and Outings Volunteer Coordinator.
- Reviewing and approving all outings within the Group.
- Coordinating scheduling, planning, and publication requirements of Group Outings.
- Working with leaders to integrate conservation issues into the outings program whenever possible.
- Maintaining records as required by the Chapter and national outings program.
- Recruiting new outings participants and leaders.
Estimated Time Commitment: 10 hours a month.
Napa Group Social Director:
Work with the Group leadership and Group Membership Chair to plan two social events for members each year. The ideal person for this position will have experience in event planning and enjoy social events.
Estimated Time Commitment: 2 hours a month.
American Canyon “Eyes on the Ground”:
As a full-time resident of American Canyon, bring your knowledge of the community to Group meetings.
- Keep an eye on local politics that concern on Sierra Club issues and report back to the Group on those issues.
- Maintain an active line of communication with Group leadership.
- Be the Sierra Club point-person for American Canyon residents who want to be involved or need to be in touch with the group or chapter.
Estimated Time Commitment: 4-8 hours a month.