All Sierra Club trips are open to the public unless otherwise announced. You are free to bring all members of your family and guests. Children are usually welcome, but if you doubt that they are old enough to manage the trip, call the leader. (Please refer to the chart below to determine the degree of difficulty.)

The actual mileage will be listed for each trip. Elevation gain will reflect the gain from the start of the hike to the highest point. If you need to know the cumulative gain, please contact the leader.
- Outings will start not later than 15 minutes after scheduled meeting time.
- The leader is in charge of the trip and is responsible for your welfare and the good name of the Club. He/she must have your cooperation to make the trip safe, pleasant and rewarding. Never charge ahead of the leader and keep within sight or shouting distance of the person ahead of you so you do not miss an intersecting trail.
- Do not lag behind rear leader: if you need help, the rear leader will remain to assist you. Do not leave the group without the leader's permission.
- Be adequately equipped and prepared. You should carry lunch, cup and liquids. Be sure your shoes are adequate, well broken in and preferably low-heeled shoes with high tops.
- Guard against fire. Do not smoke on trails in fire season. Build fires only with the leader's permission, and extinguish them completely. Guns, pets, or radios are not to be brought on hikes.
- The Sierra Club does not have insurance for carpooling arrangements and assumes no liability for them. Participants assume the risks associated with travel. Redwood Chapter suggests that a 20-cents per car per mile compensation be paid to the driver you ride with. Carpools are not part of the outing but a means ofconserving natural resources.
- All participants on Sierra Club outings are required to sign a standard liability waiver. If you would like to read the liability waiver before you chose to participate on an outing, please go to:, or contact the Outings Department at (415) 977-5528 for a printed version.
Consistent with national Sierra Club policy, all Redwood Chapter Outings have been cancelled. We hope to reschedule at a later date, and in the meantime encourage all our members and supporters to get out into nature while maintaining recommended social distance. The wonders all around us can do amazing things to lift our spirits in these unprecedented times.

Want to Become an Outings Leader?
Contact Redwood Chapter Director Jeff Morris:
You can also fill out an application and find additional resources by clicking here.