About You & Us

About you

You are the most important part of the Sierra Club as one of its 3.8 million members.  Remember, the Sierra Club is the country's oldest and most influential grassroots environmental organization.  The Club amplifies your power to defend everyone's right to a healthy world, and with your help we'll be able to build the most powerful and effective environmental movement the world has ever seen to keep it healthy.

Be sure your information in the Sierra Club's records is correct.  If you haven't done so in a while, now is the time to do so.  After you log in, make sure that your information is accurate and that your communications preferences are up to date.  We recommend you subscribe at least to My Chapter to receive news from your Angeles Capter and your Sierra Sage.

About us

Growing Sage

Sierra Sage’s history begins in 1992 when a few Sierra Club members living in south Orange County grew tired of going to meetings of the Orange County Group of the Sierra Club that took place in Brea, Fullerton, and other ‘far away’ locales.  They surveyed other members in south county and organized a meeting to see whether a separate Sierra Club group would be desirable and feasible

This first meeting’s featured speaker was the Park Ranger responsible for Whiting Ranch, which had just opened a week prior!  Beverly Full was the mover and shaker at this meeting, and she was looking for volunteers.  At subsequent meetings Bob Hansen, Paul Carlson, Mike Sappingfield, Chet Stipe and others began to volunteer, mostly as outings leaders, and the group was officially launched.

In 2008 Sierra Sage and the Orange County Group launched a joint project called “Juicing OC” with the goal to establish what cities are doing to combat Climate Change.  The initiators were Paul Carlton for Sierra Sage and Chuck Buck for the Orange County Group, and the data were pulled together by Diane Edginson.  

Since then, Sierra Sage has grown and has been offering an extensive program of hikes, out of county trips, meetings, and other activities until the pandemic put a temporary stop to in-person events.  The group’s management committee is busy planning post-COVID-19 programs which will be posted on our website’s calendar and in our bi-monthly newsletter.

This is Sierra Sage’s 30th year, and we'll be  scheduling some memorable, hopefully in-person events.  You’ll find out all about it in this space first.