OC Sierran

The O.C. Sierran is a bimonthly newsletter published by and for the members of these Sierra Club entities belonging to the Angeles Chapter. Access the currennt and archived issues on the Angeles Chapter website.

  • Orange County Group
  • Orange County Sierrans Section
  • Rio Hondo Group
  • Sierra Sage of South Orange County

The O.C. Sierran is delivered by email to over 20.000 members and supporters in Orange County in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Editorial Team

Core Group
Editor: Ed Maurer
Assistant Editor: Linda Pauer
Copy Editor: Helen Maurer
Title Design: Risa Koppel

Advisory Group
Orange County Group: Gideon Strich
Sierra Sage: Vicki Hazley
Rio Hondo Group: Mike Bressler & Margee Hills 
OC Sierrans Section: Donna Specht, 
OC Group Outings: Sherri Sisson
Sierra Sage Outings: Sylvie Coté
Pol Com Reps: Darrell Neft & Sharon Koch
Conservation Com Rep: John LaRue
Communications Technology: Tod Fitch