Washington, DC – Leading climate and environmental organizations today applauded Senator Durbin, Senator Warnock, Senator Booker, Senator Blumenthal, Senator Butler, Leader Schumer, and all cosponsors for re-introducing the John R. Lewis Voting…

Why voting rights?
Confronting the climate crisis, addressing environmental justice, and moving to 100% clean, renewable energy all depend on leaders who are accountable to the people -- and not corporations or the ultra-wealthy. Too often the communities most impacted by climate change and pollution are the same communities most impacted by voter suppression.
Strong Democracy = Healthy environment

Poll after poll show that the American people strongly support action to combat the climate crisis and move our nation towards clean energy. Yet, all too often the voices of the people are curtailed by voter suppression, gerrymandered districts and polluter money flooding elections. Protecting the freedom to vote is crucial to ensuring every voice is heard so we have effective and accountable elected officials in place to combat the climate crisis. The best way to ensure we can achieve our environmental and climate priorities is to ensure that every American has equitable access to cast their ballot.
At the Sierra Club we work to pass robust federal reforms including the Freedom to Vote Act, John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the For the People Act, and D.C. Statehood for the disenfranchised 700,000+ residents of the District of Columbia.
Additionally, without action to protect our democracy, the climate wins the Sierra Club worked for during the Biden presidency -- including passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act -- could be undermined.
Press Releases
WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Black voters in Allen v. Milligan, holding that Alabama’s racially gerrymandered 2021 voting map violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), which prohibits voting rules that…
Hoy se anunció que el magistrado de la Corte Suprema Stephen Breyer se retirará al final de este mandato en junio.
Anoche, los senadores republicanos usaron la norma filibustera, una reliquia de la Era Jim Crown de supresión del voto, para bloquear la votación sobre Libertad para Votar: La Ley John Lewis.
WASHINGTON, DC -- Late yesterday evening, Republican Senators employed the filibuster, a Jim Crow-era tool, to again block a vote on the Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Following this vote, Leader Schumer held a vote to slightly change the rules…