Press Releases

March 8, 2017

Philadelphia, P.A.--The state of Connecticut filed a notice of intent to sue due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s failure to address a Good Neighbor Petition filed by the state in July of 2016. Both Connecticut and Delaware filed Good Neighbor petitions stating that the Brunner Island power plant, located in Pennsylvania, is interfering with the state’s ability to comply with the ozone safeguards in the Clean Air Act. Smog-causing NOx pollution from this plant has not only been contaminating Pennsylvania’s air, but also Connecticut’s and Delaware’s.

February 16, 2017

LITTLE ROCK.-- Today, the U.S. Senate voted to approve Donald Trump’s nomination of Scott Pruitt as head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In response, Glen Hooks, Arkansas Sierra Club’s Director, released the following statement: 

May 22, 2017

ST. PETERSBURG, FLA.— President Donald Trump has released the extended budget proposal for FY2017, which includes massive cuts to life-saving programs and agencies, and puts American health and lands at risk.

April 28, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, tens of thousands of people will pack Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, D.C. and streets in cities across America to show Donald Trump that the public will continue to resist his disastrous and divisive agenda that puts the profits of polluters before the health of our planet, our economy, and the frontline communities already facing the worst effects of pollution and the climate crisis.

May 21, 2017

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Tonight, Donald Trump reportedly released the extended budget proposal for FY2018 that includes large cuts to life-saving agencies and programs, such as EPA and DOI, putting American health and lands at risk. In response, Sierra Club’s Executive Director Michael Brune, released the following statement: 

April 27, 2017

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Today, the U.S. Congress voted to continue fund the government for one more week.  In response, Sierra Club’s Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement: 

May 21, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On Sunday, for the first time in the Sierra Club’s 125-year history, an all female executive committee was elected. The Sierra Club Board of Directors elected Loren Blackford of New York as the new board president.  Aaron Mair, immediate past president of the board, reached his term limit this year.  

April 27, 2017

 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the D.C. Circuit Court put a temporary 60 day suspension on any decision on litigation over the Clean Power Plan, asking for additional briefings on the question of whether the Court should remand the case to the EPA or hold onto it. The Sierra Club is one of several groups litigating on behalf of the Clean Power Plan’s life-saving protections. 

May 16, 2017

Annapolis, MD -- Green For All, Free Your Voice, GreenLatinos, Maryland Environmental Health Network, Chispa Maryland of the Maryland League of Conservation Voters, Dr.

April 27, 2017

SB 393--a bill which would have allowed non evidence-based information to be taught in the K-12 science classroom and would have blocked school boards from intervening to stop science miseducation-- ​was pulled from the House floor agenda and will not advance in 2017.