Lauren Lantry

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Press Releases

Donald Trump Failed to be Cleared Of Illegal Actions

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Attorney General Barr released a summary of the Mueller report that raised further questions about Donald Trump’s actions. Barr has a public record of bias against the…

Disgraced Former Cabinet Members Pruitt and Zinke Continue to Lie On Trump’s Behalf

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This morning, E&E reported that disgraced former cabinet secretaries Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke spoke at the Dallas County Republican Party's annual Reagan Day Dinner. Former…

Wheeler Greenhouse Gaslights American Public in CBS Interview

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, in an interview with Major Garret on CBS This Morning, former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler claimed he’s focused on clean water despite rolling back…

Sierra Club Statement: When Myron Ebell Supports A Climate Panel You know it Must be Wrong

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, as reported by E&E, Myron Ebell and 36 anti science groups sent a letter to Donald Trump in support of his  Committee on Climate Security led by notable climate…

ICYMI: Trump Budget Drastically Cuts PFAS Research

Yesterday, the Trump administration sent a spending request to Congress calling for steep cuts to several research programs focused on PFAS and the neurotoxin lead. In total, more than 16 million…

At CERA Wheeler Claims Fossil Fuels are Good for the Environment

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, in his speech at CERAWeek (Cambridge Energy Research Associates), EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said that “that those who oppose U.S. fossil fuel production are actually…

Sierra Club Statement: Wheeler Will Continue Pruitt’s Toxic Legacy

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, in a 52-47 vote, the Senate confirmed Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler to be EPA Administrator. In his first 100 days as Acting EPA Administrator, Andrew Wheeler…

Sierra Club Launches Multi State Ad Buy Urging Senators to Vote Against Wheeler’s Confirmation

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  This morning, ahead of the Senate’s confirmation vote of Acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler, Sierra Club began running Facebook ads targeted towards Senator Gardner in…

The Health Toll of Andrew Wheeler

This week the Senate is expected to vote on Andrew Wheeler’s confirmation to EPA administrator. In his short time as acting administrator, Wheeler has rolled back or attempted to roll back the…

We Finally Know the GOP Climate Plan: A Coal Lobbyist in Charge of EPA, Meetings with Polluters, and a Denier Leading a Climate Change Panel

The last few days have revealed the three key prongs of the Republican climate plan came, and it is as bad as you think. Prioritize Corporate Polluters and former lobbying clients of Bill Wehrum and…