We’ve got something for everyone under the big tent!
Our primary directive is to Electrify Everything & Power it all with Clean Energy. Under this big tent, find what YOU could do to get Ready for 100! Whether you're a resident, whether you represent local government, a business or a faith group -- find your section. If you get stuck, please contact Jim, Meenal or Steve.
Or jump to our Solutions Directory
You're a Resident
- Get a PECO Energy Assessment.
The more you reduce your energy use, the fewer emissions you'll have, and the more affordable clean energy gets. In the complete walk-thru of your house, they’ll look at the building envelope (where energy could be leaking), the installed equipment and the current energy usage and make recommendations. They’ll even swap out most bulbs with efficient LED bulbs. The team can be reached at 888.573.2672 or peco.com/assessment. It’s well worth the $25 cost.
- Suggestions for Shoppers at Supermarkets
- Consider rooftop solar. Checkout Solarize Southeast PA,
where neighbors are waiting to help neighbors join the clean energy revolution! There's a 30% Federal tax credit towards the project, which you can apply next April on your 2019 tax return.
Consider an electric heating system when replacing your current system, likely burning oil or gas. If you've got a furnace that blows warm or cool air into the living space, consider heat pumps. Heat pumps could be air source heat pumps or ground source heat pumps, which are also call geothermal systems. Some reading on the subject
- May 2019, Sierra Club, What's Better for the Environment, Heat Pumps or Furnaces?
- US Dept of Energy, Air Source Heat Pumps
- June 2018, Vox, Most American homes are still heated with fossil fuels. It’s time to electrify
- Consider an electric car AKA an EV!
- Read Electric Vehicle Charging for Dummies published June 2019 by Rocky Mountain Institute
- Read What's a Gal to Drive published by local Sierra Club members
If you decide to buy an electric car, don't forget that there's a Federal tax credit of up to $7500.
- And get $50 when you tell PECO you've registered an electric car.
You represent Local Government
Inventory energy used by your entire township; see DVRPC data here.
Get a baseline of current energy use for township, see your energy use as a heatmap, and consider suggestions to reduce energy use based on this heatmap. This is offered by Steve Clark of the Delco's Ready for 100 team, and can be initiated by filling out the PECO form here. Please request the" kW map", also known as the heat map showing electricity usage over the past year by time of day. It helps identify what's running when no one's around. Steve could also connect you with training offered by PECO to better manage your building energy use.
Next, get a complimentary energy assessment by PECO. Visit peco.com/bizreport or call 844.4biz-save. You'll get a customized energy report, insights, and recommendations.
Get that energy assessment report, and then start planning how to implement the suggestions. If you think you can't finance energy efficiency, see video about an 'on-bill' financing product for energy efficiency. It seems to be ideal for municipalities and school districts.
Consider installing electric vehicle chargers at your parking lots, so that residents and staff begin dreaming an electric car as their next car.
Learn about the rebate offered by the PA DEP, with webinar slides -- Driving PA Forward | Level 2 EV Charging Rebate.
Apply for Level 2 EV Charging Rebate Program that will reimburse you a percentage of the total cost to purchase and install Level 2 electric vehicle charging equipment on publicly accessible, government-owned or non-government-owned property or at workplaces or multi-unit dwellings that are not publicly accessible throughout Pennsylvania. Details on Driving PA Forward page.
See also the PA Charger Flyer made by Melisa Romano of the Delco's Ready for 100 team.
Volunteers standing by to assist with grant writing; please contact Melisa Romano.
Consider electric cars, trucks and buses to replace your fleet. There are many car makers offering electric, and hybrid electric models. Plus, the state is offering rebates. See their "Class 8 Truck and Transit Bus Grant Program that will reimburse you a percentage of the total cost of re-powering or replacing older diesel engines or vehicles with model year (MY) 2018 or newer diesel or alternative fueled engines or vehicles, including all-electric engines/vehicles. Details on Driving PA Forward page.
Consider rooftop solar for all your buildings. Our Ready for 100 volunteer team can help get the conversation started. They can assess roofs, estimate electricity generation, connect you with solar developers, assist with grant writing, and more! Meenal Raval of the Montco's Ready for 100 team could get you started.
For starters, see the PA Dept of Community & Economic Development (DCED)’s Solar Energy Program, offering grants and loans.
See approved projects, and most current cumulative list of energy projects approved since this program's inception. You'll see that Lansdale applied and rec'd grants in 2018 (items 74 and 79).
Consider SolSmart certification for your township, streamlining the permiting process for new solar installations.
You represent a Business
Get a baseline of current energy usage, see your energy use as a heatmap, and consider suggestions to reduce energy use based on this heatmap. This is offered by Steve Clark of the Delco's Ready for 100 team. Steve could also connect you with training offered by PECO to better manage your building energy use.
Next, get a complimentary energy assessment by PECO. Visit peco.com/bizreport or call 844.4biz-save. You'll get a customized energy report, insights, and recommendations.
Consider installing electric vehicle chargers at your parking lots, sure to bring in the early adopters who have already transitioned to an electric car. See the PA Charger Flyer made by Melisa Romano of the Delco's Ready for 100 team. Margaret & Herman of the Delco's Ready for 100 team have approached each hotel in Delaware County with this idea. Volunteers standing by to assist with grant writing; please contact Melisa Romano.
Consider electric cars to replace your fleet. There are many car makers offering electric, and hybrid electric models.
Apply for a Small Business Advantage Grant. It's offered by the PA DEP, up to $7000, for energy efficient or pollution prevention equipment, or adopt waste reduction processes.
Consider C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy). Simply put, this means businesses could pay for their efficiency and clean energy projects via their local tax bill. This is currently available for only Chester County, administered by the Sustainable Energy Fund in Lehigh Valley and could be ideal for properties managed by home owners associations.
- Info for Supermarket Owners can be found here.
You represent a Faith Group
- example of Central Baptist Church in Wayne PA.
- Carbon Free Meetinghouse of Valley Friends in Virginia.
- policies/ordinances requiring efficiency & renewable energy in new buildings, major renovations;
- policies/ordinances limiting emissions from mobile sources and off-road equipment;
- cooperation/coordination with neighboring townships to facilitate aggregated purchasing of renewable energy;
- programs to educate residents and businesses about energy efficiency and renewable energy;
- grant-writing to help fund renewable energy installations
The Energy Action Team for Southeast PA's Ready for 100 -- Meenal Raval, Steve Clark, Melissa Laffen, Jonathan Meyers, Jim Wylie.
Page last updated Jan 4, 2020. We'll try to keep this page up to date, but if you find a broken link or feel something is missing, please send an email to jim.wylie@verizon.net.
Weatherization - for air sealing and insulation - ensure you waste less energy and increase comfort
Energy Efficient heating & cooling contractors
Residential PV Installers
Solar Hot Water installers
Commercial scale solar developers
Local examples of commercial solar installations, to visit and learn from
Utility scale solar
Green roofs, when there’s too much shade for solar
Wind farm developers
Energy Efficiency consultants - Commercial
Energy Efficiency consultants - Residential
Financing energy efficiency (EE) & renewable energy (RE)
Energy Storage
Geothermal, installers & installations
Heat Pump Hot Water Heaters
Weatherization contractors for sealing drafts and insulating. Getting this done will ensure that you waste less energy and increase a room's comfort, in winter and in summer. Do this before you think about rooftop solar!
- Energy Services Group | based in New Castle, DE | Bill Morgan | 800-908-7000 | 302-383-3004 | bill@energysvc.com | energysvc.com | serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia
- Green Home Solutions | based in West Conshohocken, PA | Ross Lopez, Vicky Marquez | 800-684-9611 | info@ghsaudits.com | vicky@ghsaudits.com | ghscomfort.com | serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia, York
- Green Stone Energy | based in West Chester, PA | Dutch Schwertner | 610-696-2658 | dutch@greenstoneenergyllc.com | greenstoneenergyllc.com | serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia, York
- Gunner Insulation | based in Levittown, PA | Ken Peresta | 215-801-8280 | gunnerinsulation@gmail.com | gunnerinsulationllc.com | serving Bucks, Montgomery
- Home Energy and Comfort | based in King of Prussia, PA | 1975 Baltimore Pike Oxford, PA | Ben Griffin | 610-994-0909 | ben@energyandcomfort.com | energyandcomfort.com | Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, York
- Lifetime Insulation | 215-551-8877, 215-778-4859
- Orange Energy Solutions | based in Broomall, PA | John Kelly, Ivar Frislid | 610-449-2444 | jkelly@orangeenergysolutions.com | ifrislid@orangeenergysolutions.com | orangeenergysolutions.com | serving Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia
- Premier Contractors | based in Colmar & Glenmoore PA | Sean Kessel | 215-996-9970 | info@premiercontractors.us | premierenergyaudits.com | serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia
- Reilly Insulation | based in Willow Grove PA | Martin Flannery | 215-659-9000 | reillyinsulation@comcast.net | reillyinsulation.com | serving Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia
- TR Insulation Systems | based in Fort Washington PA | Tom Reilly | 267-228-7912, 215 646-4433
SPS Insulation | based in Upper Darby | spsinsulation.com
Energy Efficient heating & cooling contractors
When looking to replace your heating or cooling systems with an efficient and electric option, consider one of these companies for your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning needs). Please do not upgrade to another fossil fuel-based system.
- Alek Air Management | based in Philadelphia PA | Oleg Ivanov | 215-253-5680 | office1@alekair.com | alekair.com | serving Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia
- Davis Modern Heating & Cooling | based in Norristown PA | James Reese | 610-277-2656 | jreese@davismodern.com | davismodern.com | serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia, York
- DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company | based in Downingtown PA | Angie Rivera | 610-873-1244 | angie@dibiasehvac.com | dibiasehvac.com | serving Chester, Delaware
- Green Home Solutions | based in West Conshohocken & Morrisville PA | Ross Lopez, Vicky Marquez | 800-684-9611 | info@ghsaudits.com, vicky@ghsaudits.com | ghscomfort.com | serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia, York
- John A. Kinkaid Heating & Air Conditioning | based in Roslyn PA | Melissa Ryan | 215-657-1262 | john.kinkaid.hvac@gmail.com | kinkaid-hvac.com | serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia
- Oliver Heating & Cooling | based in Morton PA | Kathleen Makovec | 888-431-1178 | kmakovec@oliverhvac.com | oliverheatcool.com | based in Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia
- Orange Energy Solutions | based in Broomall PA | John Kelly, Ivar Frislid | P: 610-449-2444 | E: jkelly@orangeenergysolutions.com, ifrislid@orangeenergysolutions.com | orangeenergysolutions.com | serving Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia
Residential PV installers
The Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association publishes an annual directory of solar electric installers, found here: themarea.org/resources/. We have combed thru this, matched up with installers certified by NAPCEP, and selected the below for Southeast PA residential solar installers, listed alphabetically. More details available by contacting meenal.raval@gmail.com.
- Belmont Solar | Gordonville, Lancaster County | belmontsolar.com
- Bright Eye Solar | Lancaster, Lancaster County | brighteyesolar.com | listed on MAREA, but not on NAPCEP site
- Carr & Duff | Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery County | carrduff.com | have installed solar canopy & carport
- Colgan Solar | Lincoln University, PA | works in Montgomery, Delaware, Chester Counties | colgansolar.com | may not travel thru all of Montco
- Evoke Solar | Hellertown, Northampton County | evokesolar.com | partners with Open Sky
- Exact Solar | Yardley, Bucks County | exactsolar.com | residential & small commercial PV, also pool heating, Truman high school, Doylestown Public Works, NAPCEP certicate under Vladislav Ringe
- Hometown Green | Media, Delaware County | hometowngreen.net | geothermal | need to verify - domain expired
- KC Green Energy | based in Lancaster, serves customers in Lancaster & Montco | kcgreenenergy.com
KISS Electric | based in Levittown | (215)-547-0603 | Experience installing rooftop, ground mount, and solar awnings.
Open Sky Energy | Swarthmore, Delaware County | openskyenergy.net | known for being creative
- Paradise Solar | Paradise, Lancaster County | paradisesolarenergy.com | PV for residential, muni, farm and carports
- Solar City / Tesla | national | solarcity.com | local rep Stephen Reynolds - 484-782-4372 sreynolds@tesla.com
- Solar States | Philadelphia, Philadelphia County | solar-states.com | 215.939.6699. info@solar-states.com | sales@solar-states.com | 1508 N American St, Philadelphia, PA
SunPower Builders | Collegeville, Montgomery County | sunpowerbuilders.com | 610.489.1105
SunRun / Xfinity | sunrun.com | national
- Terrasol Energies | Chaddsford, Delaware County | terrasolenergies.com/residential/
- Trinity Solar | based in Wall, NJ | trinity-solar.com | Ken Berry
- Vivint Solar | vivintsolar.com | national | residential PV with buy or lease options
- All Things Possible | www.atpossible.com | Bill Doyle 610-455-1032 bill@atpossible.com
- Somertyme Enterprises | Reading, PA | Bryan Somers 610-721-9100 somertymeenterprises@gmail.com
Commercial scale solar developers
- Dynamic Energy Solutions, Wayne, PA | dynamicenergyusa.com | for systems over 300K | Pat Hastings certified, offers PPA for nonprofits
- Empower Energies, Frederick MD | empowerenergies.com | parking lot canopy | local contact Ken Beiser, kenbeiser@gmail.com | Stuart Stott, stuart.stott@empowerenergies.com
- Kiss Electric | based in Levittown, Bucks County | website TBD | have done muni
- Miller Brothers | millerbros.us | Garard deLisser, gdelisser@millerbros.us, 917.687.2620
- RER Energy Group, Reading PA | rerenergygroup.com | Mark Connolly, mconnolly@rerenergygroup.com
- Smuckers Energy, Kinzers, Lancaster County | smuckersenergy.com | Jody Murphy | met at Finding PA’s Solar Future
Utility scale solar
Alencon Systems, Hatboro PA | alenconsystems.com | optimizers and inverters for large scale PV projects, to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of PV
Community Energy, Radnor PA | communityenergyinc.com | loop in Joel Thomas for community solar discussions | joel.thomas@communityenergyinc.com
Penn Energy Renewables, Bala Cynwyd | pennenergyrenewables.com | Cathal Flanagan | cathal@pennenergyrenewables.com
Teichos Energy, Weston CT | teichos.com | Bill Parkhurst | met at Finding PA’s Solar Future
- Conti Solar, Edison NJ | contisolar.com | building 4M Cuyahoga solar farm on 17 acres of landfill by Cleveland, see here. Their projects page shows extensive experience with landfill arrays and carport arrays. SC contact for Cleveland project is jocelyn.travis@sierraclub.org.
Wind farm developers
- Avangrid | avangrid.com | parent company Iberdola, US HQ in CT, local contact Leonard Navitsky, leonard.navitsky@avangrid.com
What’s a bio-digester? Like composting, it breaks down organic waste. Unlike composting, it also generates liquid fertilizer & bio-gas. Bio-gas is same as the stuff obtained via fracking, but without the side-effects.
Janice Kelsey is a Chester County resident and global educator for bio-digesters | See March 2016 GRID magazine article by Marilyn Anthony, Chester County becomes U.S. headquarters for global initiative, references the work of Janice Kelsey in Chesco, Jody Spangler in East Nantmeal, also in Chesco. Janice recently presented the concept of bio-digesters to Senators Leach and Rafferty. In Turkey, they’ve built bio-digesters in a 55gallon barrel on a sunny balcony. Here in PA, it’s better if they’re in conjunction with a greenhouse, so the micro-organisms remain alive and working through out the winter.
Contact janice.solarcities@gmail.com -
Local septic company, Grey Brothers Septic, morphing into SoMax Energy out of Honeybrook, and working with Villanova on a project to build and analyze small scale bio-digesters.
Omega-Alpha Recycling System (OARS) | dragonhusbandry.com & omega-alpharecycling.com | Bob Hamburg | offering education and assistance in building bio-digesters, a symbiotically integrated anaerobic digestion system offering biological repair, not a technological fix. | local systems at Dickinson College Farm, Hundred Fruit Farm, and more.
- RNG Energy Solutions, CEO James Potter, building a $120M digester in SW Philadelphia in partnership with PES (Philadelphia Energy Solutions), the area refinery and largest air polluter in Philadelphia County. Mayor Kenney claims “hundreds of jobs”; are we certain about this? See New Philadelphia facility to turn food waste into gas.
Energy Efficiency consultants, commercial
Henderson Energy Consulting | based in Blue Bell, Montco PA | 610.659.3646 | hendersonenergy.net
Interfaith Coalition on Energy (ICE) | To inspire congregations to reduce the costs of operating their facilities; by guiding congregations to use measurably less energy, to purchase energy at lower cost, and to anticipate and prevent problems with mechanical and electrical systems within their buildings. Our mutual goal is to create money for community service while practicing environmental stewardship. | Andrew Rudin | 7217 Oak Ave, Melrose Park PA | 215.635.1122 | interfaithenergy.com
Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) | a trade association dedicated to promoting energy efficiency throughout Pennsylvania. Offers discounts on select energy efficiency products and materials, including auditing equipment, building envelope products, renewable energy systems, appliances, windows, and lighting. | energywisepa.org and keealliance.org.
MaGrann Associates | energy efficiency & green building | magrann.com
Monitor Data Corp | Tom McHugh | Glenside PA | 215.887.8343 | monitordata.com
Practical Energy Solutions, using Energy Efficiency, & Engineering Excellence, Committed to Healthy, Efficient and Comfortable Buildings | practicalenergy.net
The Stone House Group, providing facilities consulting services since 1999 | theshg.com, have worked to assist Ursinus College with EE.
Financing energy efficiency (EE) & renewable energy (RE)
Clean Energy Credit Union | cleanenergycu.org
The Sustainable Energy Fund | thesef.org |
offers funding to implement EE for munis and schools, and manages C-PACE across PA (except Philadelphia) -
Foundation for Renewable Energy and Environment (FREE) | freefutures.org
Pam Hague, Pgm Mgr, pam@freefutures.org, 215.494.7383 -
USDA Rural Development’s REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) | www.rd.usda.gov
If 51% of income from farming or ranching, and based in township with pop 50,000 or less, the business can quality for grants & loans for EE and RE. RE projects could include wind, solar, bio-digesters or geothermal. EE projects could include HVAC, insulation, lighting, refrigeration. Contact Amanda Hope, Business Programs Specialist, amanda.hope@pa.usda.gov, 717.237.2289
Energy Storage
Aquion Energy | aquionenergy.com | saltwater storage
East Penn | Reading PA | sealed lead acid batteries | eastpennmanufacturing.com
Renewable Energy Aggregators | Doylestown, Bucks County | developing 7 pumped hydro storage plants in Northeast PA | reaggregators.com
Geothermal HVAC Systems Installers
Brandywine Valley HVAC | West Chester, PA | bvhvac.com | Mark Ronayne 610-692-3900
Edward Powell Pump & Drilling | Aston, PA | www.powellpumpandwell.com | David Powell 610-459-1098 dpowell@powellpumpandwell.com
Smith Sustainable Design | Steven Smith, Senior Engineer | 25 South Main Street #12, Yardley, PA 19067 | 215-260-7905 | smithsustainabledesign.com
- Eldredge Geothermal Solutions | innovative & cost efficient geothermal ground loop installations, HDPE Fusions, horizontal drilling, and customized sewer, water and drainage solutions | eldredgegeo.com
Solar Hot Water installers
Exact Solar | Yardley, Bucks County | exactsolar.com | residential & small commercial PV, solar hot water, also pool heating, Truman high school, Doylestown Public Works, NAPCEP certificate under Vladislav Ringe
Rushforth Solar | Bryn Mawr, Montgomery County | rushforthsolar.com | solar hot water for commercial applications
Local examples of commercial solar installations, to visit and learn from
The Bourse at Independence Mall | 43-kilowatt installation | 5th & Market, Philadelphia PA | discoverthebourse.blogspot.com
Johnson & Johnson's Centocor | Horsham PA | 250,000 kWh per year | jnj.com
Green roofs, when there’s too much shade for solar
Roofmeadow | Mt Airy, Philadelphia PA | roofmeadow.com
Energy Efficiency consultants - Residential
- Green Alchemy | renewable energy consultants & workshops for biofuel, solar, wind, hydro, oil-seed sunflowers | Samuel & Annmarie Yoder | 1375 Saucony Rd, Kutztown PA 19530 | greenalchemyfarm.com
Insulation contractors
- SPS Insulation | insulation contractor based in Upper Darby specializing in energy efficient and cost-reducing insulation methods for both residential and commercial communities. | spsinsulation.com
Heat Pump Hot Water
- Palmiero Plumbing // https://www.palmerioplumbing.com // I originally installed my heat pump water heater myself (help from a friend) but later needed it moved. Palmerio Plumbing was a little on the expensive side but did a very good job with moving it. The plumber was excellent and also did a very clean job on electrical too.
- Springfield Plumbing // https://springfieldplumbingllc.com) // After 3 quotes was far and away the least expensive and did a fantastic job. I can’t recall what brand he sells but we have been very happy with it for the last several years.
- New Energy Solutions // Installed ours. We’re happy with ours. // 610-322-3253 // 1newenergysolutions@gmail.com
- Unique Heating & Cooling // https://www.uniqueheatingandcooling.com // We had ours installed by Unique. We were happy with the price and service, and very happy with the water heater itself.