Iowa Legislature Passes Bill to Gut Energy Efficiency and Oversight, Shift Risks to Ratepayers

“This goes against Governor Reynolds’ energy plan and reputation as a renewable industry leader.”

Renner Barsella,, 217-390-9394

DES MOINES, IA -- Last night, the Iowa State Legislature passed a bill that will eliminate energy efficiency programs and reduce regulatory oversight for the state’s electric utilities, which will increase costs for electricity customers and shift risks from the utilities themselves to everyday ratepayers. The bill, Senate File 2311, was contentiously debated and prompted widespread opposition from Iowa families and businesses. Despite broad and vocal opposition from constituents, the bill passed the House with a 52-42 vote on Friday then in the Senate last night. The bill proposes changes that are in direct conflict with the Governor’s State Energy Plan. Opponents are strongly urging Governor Kim Reynolds to veto the bill.

In response, Iowa Sierra Club Chapter Director Pam Mackey Taylor issued the following statement:

“Throughout the legislative session, Iowa families and businesses made clear that they wouldn’t stand idly by while utilities tried to gut money-saving programs and pass the cost on to customers. Alliant Energy and MidAmerican have sold themselves as clean energy leaders, but their support for this bill shows their true colors. These utilities are focused more on padding their profits than providing their customers with cost-saving programs, and our elected representatives just gave them the green light to stick everyday Iowans with the bill.

“We urge Governor Reynolds to veto this bill, which goes against Iowa’s innovative state energy plan and hard won national reputation as a renewable industry leader.”


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