Public Service Commission Rubber Stamps Santee Cooper Plan with Expensive New Gas Plant


SOUTH CAROLINA -- Santee Cooper continues on its dangerous path to build out more dirty gas, which would be a major hit to the pocketbooks of customers across South Carolina. Friday afternoon, the South Carolina Public Service Commission (PSC) submitted an order approving the 2023 Santee Cooper Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which includes approval of a massive new methane gas plant proposed to be built with investor-owned utility Dominion Energy. 

In January, consultants hired by the PSC to conduct an independent review of the IRP recommended that the Commission withhold any approvals for the proposed gas facility until a more comprehensive exploration of alternative options is conducted.

In response, Elaine Cooper, Conservation Chair of the Sierra Club South Carolina Midlands Group, released the following statement:

“The PSC ignored its own independent analysis to rubber stamp Santee Cooper’s IRP, leaving customers on the hook for a multimillion-dollar gas plant that is not the best option for South Carolinians. It is concerning that the guardrails put in place to protect South Carolinians seem to mean nothing in practice.” 

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