Land Conservation

Land Conservation

Land Conservation

We must protect 30% of lands by 2030 to fight the climate and extinction crisis. Protecting wild places will keep drilling and logging from dumping pollution into the air, sequester emissions, provide protection from extreme weather, homes for wildlife, and opportunities for people to enjoy the outdoors together.


Paria Rimrocks, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

About Our Program

Our campaign focuses on protecting lands as a climate solution. Safeguarding these places will reduce our carbon pollution and conserve these places for future generations.

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Help save Our Wild America

Our natural heritage is threatened by mining, drilling, and the devastating effects of climate disruption. We must protect our land and water so plants and animals can survive and thrive for generations to come.


Protecting at least 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030 can fight the climate crisis, protect clean air and water, and provide endless ecological benefits.

November 14, 2022

As world leaders gather to address the climate crisis, U.S. land management agencies are undermining President Joe Biden’s commitment to conserve mature and old-growth forests and trees by logging thousands of acres on public lands that serve as…

11 de noviembre de 2022

La administración Biden ha propuesto la Regulación sobre Riesgos y Resiliencia Climáticos de los Abastecedores Federales, la cual requeriría a los grandes contratistas federales revelar públicamente sus emisiones de efecto invernadero.

November 8, 2022

Today, coinciding with the third day of COP27, the White House released two reports on advancing nature-based solutions to address climate change. The first is the Nature-Based Solutions Roadmap, which outlines recommendations for America to employ…

October 24, 2022

On Friday, October 28 at 7 pm ET, Sierra Club Connecticut Chapter will be hosting the Remington Woods Town Hall, in partnership with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Division. Graduate school students from the Yale…

12 de octubre de 2022

La Casa Blanca anunció hoy la primera designación de monumento nacional del Presidente Biden, Camp Hale-Continental Divide.