Annual Report

Our Annual Reports document our many wins for Virginia’s environment and people and demonstrate what an investment in the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter can achieve. 

Our goal at the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter is to lead the climate movement in Virginia and build a future in which people are put before profits and all of our communities have access to clean, renewable energy and the diverse natural places that make Virginia our home. From advocating for legislative action in the halls of Virginia’s General Assembly to fighting for clean energy projects on rooftops and schools, we’re proud to be creating change across the commonwealth and leading real climate action on the ground in our communities.

To strengthen our efforts, we began an eight-month strategic planning process in August 2018 to gather input from our members, leaders, staff and key stakeholders, about what our priorities should be in 2019 and beyond. From these conversations, we solidified a robust strategic plan including a set of five goals that will guide our grassroots advocacy and legislative work in the coming years.

Together, we will:

  • Be the most effective grassroots force driving climate solutions in Virginia
  • Fully engage and empower our members to proactively address climate change
  • Represent Virginia’s population to better address issues of environmental justice
  • Inform our activists, volunteers, and members through innovative communication
  • Magnify the impact of members and groups on climate change 

With a more robust staff than ever before and a deeply dedicated team of volunteer leaders across the state, we are already making significant progress toward these goals. 

Thank you for all you give to our efforts to protect Virginia’s wild places, clean air, and climate for future generations. We hope that you will take pride in all that we have already achieved together.