Virginia Sierran Newsletter

The Virginia Chapter newsletter, Virginia Sierran, is a 12-page periodical published quarterly. The newsletter covers environmental issues and campaigns important to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Included is a page devoted to grassroots activities (News from the Groups), and another page addressing conservation tips for individual members to incorporate in their daily lives (Love the Earth, Live the Simple Life) and more.

Melanie Roberts


Melanie Roberts, Virginia Sierran Editor
If you want to contribute to this publication, articles, photos and other graphics are welcome. For content submission deadlines, suggested word counts and photo instructions, contact the editor at





Headline Links
Summer 2024 Rooftop Solar is Under Attack Again  
Spring 2024 Data center issues: power and water  
Winter 2024 Gov. Younkin’s Nuclear Dream: A nightmare for Virginia’s coalfield communities (Spoiler alert: Maybe for you, too)  
Fall 2023 The Virginia Environmental Justice Act—Three years out  
Summer 2023 Mountain Valley Pipeline, the final injustice: An interview with Kirk Bowers  
Spring 2023 Virginia Chapter practices Sierra Club Core Values Link
Winter 2023 Virginia has a data center problem Link
Fall 2022 The Virginia Ripoff Project and Threats to Community Health  Link
Summer 2022 Right here, right now and done right: Sierra Club gains in offshore wind  Link
Spring 2022 Emerging from the dark: The future of fossil fuel buildout in Virginia  Link
Winter 2021-22 The faces of victory and defeat: State citizen boards deny and issue MVP permits  Link
Fall 2021 National parks, the Rural Crescent and Northern Virginia data center expansion  Link
Spring 2021 Equitable Transit Moves People, Not Communities  Link
Winter 2020 Mountain high, valley low: the roller coaster ride of the Mountain Valley Pipeline  Link
Fall 2020 The intersectionality of racial justice and climate activism  Link
Summer 2020 The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is CANCELLED!  Link
Spring 2020 Art, activism, and the Supreme Court of the United States  Link
End of Year/Winter 2019 100% Clean Energy with New Fracked Gas Infrastructure?  Link
Fall 2019 Opposition to Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipeline grows  Link
Summer 2019 Day of action for a new economic climate  Link

Spring 2019


Pipeline diary: continuing opposition to the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines




Archived Newsletters   Links
End of Year/Winter 2018 Pipeline diary: Continuing opposition to the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines Drive
Fall 2018 Fracking in Virginia: FOIA Decision HB904 Drive
Summer 2018 Destruction of Virginia's forests and lands Drive
Spring 2018 The devastation of our forests has begun! Drive
End of Year/Winter 2017 Sierra Club takes SCC to court over Atlantic Coast Pipeline Drive
Fall 2017 2017 Sierra Club Virginia Chapter candidate endorsements Drive
Summer 2017 Trump abandons Paris Agreement for sake of fossil fuel supporters/Virginia is moving forward on climate Drive
Spring 2017 Training the Resistance Drive
Winter 2017 No Ordinary Election Drive
Fall 2016 National Park Service celebrates a special birthday — its 100th anniversary Drive
Summer 2016 Dominion drops offshore wind energy project Drive
Spring 2016 No offshore drilling in the Atlantic Drive
Winter 2016 Improving On Obama Drive
Fall 2015 Energy Masters trained to help low-income residents control utility costs Drive
Summer 2015 Resolved Against Offshore Drilling Drive
Spring 2015 The People vs. Dominion Drive
Winter 2015 Proposed Pipeline Concerns Justified Drive  
Fall 2014 The Emerging Risk of Fracking Drive  
Summer 2014 Sea Level in Coastal Virginia Drive
Spring 2014 Building Climate Action Movement Drive
Winter 2014 A New Day in Virginia Drive
Fall 2013 Heating the home using Virginia Heatstore stystem Drive  
Summer 2013 Taking Action on Climate Change Drive
Spring 2013 Sierra Club challenges Dominion’s Brunswick County natural gas power plant Drive  
Winter 2013 The Sad Saga of Uranium Mining Drive
Fall 2012 Is offshore wind really in Virginia’s future? Drive
Special Election Edition 2012 Barack Obama for President Drive
Summer 2012 Tough Times for Wind Power Drive  
Spring 2012 It’s time for committed climate defenders to come to the planet's aid Drive
Winter 2012 Unsustainable Me Drive
Fall 2011 Big Victories for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Drive  
Summer 2011 A Greener Virginia through Sierra Club Activism Drive
Spring 2011 Working for Labor for Good Green Jobs Drive
Winter 2011 Offshore wind picks up speed along the Atlantic Drive
Fall 2010 McDonnell offers “Do Nothing Plan” to clean up the Bay Drive
Summer 2010 Environmentalists challenge efforts to push through new mountaintop removal Drive
Spring 2010 Clean Energy Patriots Needed for Earth Day Revolution Drive
Winter 2010 Message to 2010 General Assembly Drive
Special Election Edition 2008 Five Reasons We Back Obama Drive