Forests are often called the lungs of the earth. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. In doing so, they sequester carbon keeping it safely out of the atmosphere, help regulate worldwide climate and enable the existence of other life forms, including ourselves. Forests also filter water, create precipitation, support soil health and stability, provide habitat and promote biodiversity.
If you love forests and are an activist or want to be, join us! The Loma Prieta Forest Protection Committee hosts educational events and takes action to help protect forests in the Santa Cruz Mountains and throughout California. The committee also promotes home hardening and community planning to help communities be safer from fire.
You can read more about the committee here.
Overall committee responsibilities include:
- Educate ourselves, other chapter members, the public, and local officials about the environmental value of forests, the issues that threaten them, and relevant approaches and solutions. Read up on the best available science to inform our views. Tour local forest management projects in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties with forest ecologists and other staff from local governmental agencies and environmental organizations.
- Inform the public about important forest and wildfire safety issues through virtual events, local events and hikes, and through writing (e.g. letters to the editor for local newspapers and Loma Prieta Sierra Club Chapter publications). Educate chapter members on the value of forests
- Organize and promote a virtual education session on home hardening (for fire protection) for Santa Clara and San Mateo county residents in collaboration with Senator Josh Becker’s staff
- Meet with our local, state, and federal officials and legislators to advocate for or against proposed legislation and budget allocations in line with Sierra Club’s state and national positions
- Review forest management projects and timber harvest plans within San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. Provide comments and recommendations to help ensure these projects are performed in an environmentally responsible manner
- Attend monthly virtual Loma Prieta Forest Protection committee meetings (generally the 4th Thursday of the month from 4pm to 6pm)
- Attend local FireSafe meetings and other forest-related meetings
These are overall team responsibilities. The team divides or shares these responsibilities depending on its members’ interests and availability.
Committee chairperson: Karen Maki (forests@lomaprieta.sierraclub.org)
Contact Karen if you’re interested in applying or learning more!
Time engagement: 1-3 hours per week or more, per volunteer, depending on interests and availability!