Who We Are

 Welcome to the Loma Prieta Chapter

The Loma Prieta Chapter is the local face of Sierra Club, serving San Benito, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. The Chapter offers opportunities to become involved and actively contribute time, talents, skills, and funds to the local environmental work of the Sierra Club.

Learn about our Chapter's history.

We have a wide variety of opportunities for volunteers to become involved. For example:

  • Conservation - Do you have an environmental issue that you care deeply about? For example, you might be very concerned about the drought and want to push activities that will teach people to conserve our precious water supply. Or maybe you care about fraking and want to put a stop to those activities. Well, we have conservation issue committees that work on these and a lot of other issues.
  • Politics - Do you think your local legislators are short sighted and pursuing the wrong objectives? All too often people just throw their hands up in disgust. But the Chapter has an active PoAnniversary Bench At Hidden Valley Ranchlitical Committee, that helps select and elect candidates who care about the environment, at all levels of government.
  • Regional Groups - We also have local groups in some sections of our chapter area, which host local events of their own. Some sponsor film screenings about environmental issues, some host pot luck dinners, and others host local hikes. But in all cases attending an event is a chance to meet other environmentally-minded folks and have a good time, as well as perhaps do some good for the environment.
  • Outings - Do you enjoy hiking in the open spaces around our neighborhoods, or perhaps in the Sierra Nevada? How about a hike in to see a lovely waterfall, listening to the sounds of the birds and the water cascading down? We have many outings sections that do this sort of thing, because it is fulfilling and keeps us grounded, but also because these activities introduce others to the need to conserve our open spaces.

In all of the above activities, all that is needed on your part is a decision to make a difference, and the desire to make our neighborhoods and country a better place for our children. Our current leaders will be more than happy to show you the ropes, and to get you involved in a way that utilizes your own interests and skills. We also conduct leadership training activities to enable activists to take on leadership roles effectively.

So thumb through the website, find those activities/issues that resonate within you, and become involved. We need everyone to become involved if we are to overcome the environmental issues facing us. Contact info should be readily available on this site, but you can also call Barbara Muir, our Chapter Coordinator, at (650) 390-8411 and she’ll be glad to help you out.

Once again, thank you for being a part of the Loma Prieta community. Our Chapter is one of the strongest in the country because of the members who choose to become involved. We hope you’ll choose to do so as well.