Political Action

Political activities are primarily directed by our Political Committee. The Committee is responsible for all endorsement activities, as well as supporting those candidates who we have endorsed. We also try to maintain contact with all of our legislators, developing relationships with them and educating them when necessary.

Are you concerned about conservation, habitat protection, and energy policy? Do you have an interest in politics? Do you want laws that protect our environment? Do you want laws that protect public involvement in the political process? If so... Join the Loma Prieta Sierra Club Political Committee and help elect environmentally friendly candidates!  We endorse and support environmental candidates for local, state, and Congressional races as well as lobbies elected officials on Sierra Club priority issues. We focus on races that of interest to our volunteers and important for the environment in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and San Benito Counties.

Click here for the political standing rules for the Loma Prieta chapter. 

For more information on what we do, check out the links below:


Tree against a moon, stylized

Politics- Endorsements

See who and what the Loma Prieta chapter of the Sierra Club has endorsed and the results of local elections.

Tree against a moon, stylized

Politics - Education and Environmental Legislative Action (EELA)

The EELA committee advocates for state and local climate and conservation legislation. At the beginning of each legislative season, we decide which state bills (usually from 4 to 6 bills) we will be focusing on from the list of approximately 20 to 30 bills on Sierra Club California’s Priority Bills list, and then advocate for these focus bills.