
Why we hike. Image shows beautiful scene on the coast, native plants in the front.
Where We Hike. Text on top of image of hikers in redwood forest


Activity Sections. 5 hikers on path on the right, ocean and vegetation on left.
4 hikers crossing a stream using hiking poles


Listen to the sounds of the wind in the gathering oaks, the chirp of a California towhee in the brush, the murmur of creeks awakening from a summer slumber, the patter of footfalls behind you, the sound of your community of nature lovers and hikers, in awe of our nature places.  This is what our Sierra Club outings are all about - We make "Explore, Enjoy, Protect" real.

Our outings have something for everyone, from easy day hikes, to Sierra backpacking, winter ski touring, mountain climbing, to local picnics and potlucks. Our new Military Outdoors program works to reach vets who need our help. You will make life-long friends and share adventures.

You won’t get left behind: Our hikes are led by experienced, well-trained leaders. Many are birders, or know the names of native plants. Our hikes all have a conservation component, and often a docent, where the local biome is discussed to add to the knowledge of the participants.  Welcome to the hedonistic wing of the Sierra Club!

6 hands shaping heart, text Loma Prieta Outings Love Connections Read stories about love found on the trail


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