Loma Prieta Chapter's 30x30 Volunteer

Goal: Maintain the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter’s 30x30 campaign and integrate into Chapter conservation work.
- Attend monthly Sierra Club California (SC CA) 30x30 meeting (one hour)
- Communicate relevant updates to the Loma Prieta Chapter's Conservation Committee (ConsCom) and the Bay Alive Campaign
- Sign on to Power in Nature (PIN) listserv, newsletter and participate in lobbying efforts, and the monthly meeting for the San Francisco Bay Regional Group. Clarify relationship with the Bay Alive Campaign at recurring meetings each month and stay familiar with goals/progress and assess where overlaps with 30x30 might exist
- Possibly attend or send report to Loma Prieta Chapter's ConsCom Chair, at the monthly ConsCom committee meeting to report on 30x30 and gain knowledge of wider conservation efforts
- Communicate with the Bay Alive Campaign Committee and Santa Clara County contacts about California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) and other webinar, grant, and poster opportunities
- Attend the spring Sacramento lobby day with PIN to educate on 30x30 and address issues with the California budget and 30x30 funding
- Attend the 30x30 partnership meeting hosted by PIN and CNRA in October. Possibly make a 30x30 poster for the Sierra Club or PIN table
- Meet with future 30x30 volunteers each month to
- consolidate report to be presented to ConsCom
- 30x30 effort, success or update to Loma Prieta Chapter Director for chapter approval and posting to SC Loma Prieta Chapter social media and e newsletter
Chapter's San Benito County 30x30 Volunteer
Goal: Focus on San Benito County
- Attend monthly Sierra Club California (SC CA) 30x30 meeting (one hour)
- Sign on to Power in Nature (PIN) listserv and participate in lobbying efforts for the Central Coast Regional Group.
- Read and add to the Loma Prieta Chapter's 30x30 snapshot document on San Benito County
- Outreach to organization's whose efforts might overlap with 30x30: San Benito Agricultural Land Trust (SBALT), San Benito County Resource Conservation District or SBC RCD, the Straw program, and The Pajaro Compass: A network for Voluntary Conservation
- Continue to establish relationship with the Amah Mutsun Tribe. Support projects with Sierra Club approval. Be aware that Tribes are slammed with requests to collaborate with environmental groups
- Establish contact with the Ramatush Ohlone Tribe. Support projects with Sierra Club approval
- Attend Pajaro Compass event or SBALT monthly ranch day. Ask to join listservs with contact info above
- Coordinate with the San Benito County work already being done by Loma Prieta Chapter and Guadalupe Regional Group members
- Explore this possible 30x30 issue (as of 4/24)
- CENTRAL COAST - Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,000,000 to the Big Sur Land Trust to undertake the Carr Lake Restoration and Park Construction Project Phase 2. Consisting of restoration of 66 acres of wetland and upland habitat and construction of public access improvements at Carr Lake in Monterey County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act
- Communicate with San Benito County contacts about CNRA and 30x30 webinar, grant, and poster opportunities
- Possibly rotate attendance at the monthly ConsCom committee meeting to report on 30x30 and gain knowledge of wider conservation efforts
- Meet with other 30x30 volunteers each month to
- consolidate report to be presented to ConsCom
- 30x30 effort, success or update to Loma Prieta Chapter Director for chapter approval and posting to SC Loma Prieta Chapter social media and e newsletter
Chapter's San Mateo Coast 30x30 Volunteer
Goal: Focus on San Mateo Coast
- Attend monthly Sierra Club California (SC CA) 30x30 meeting (one hour)
- Sign on to Power in Nature (PIN) listserv and participate in lobbying efforts and the monthly meeting for the San Francisco Bay Regional Group
- Read and add to the Loma Prieta Chapter's 30x30 Flagship snapshot document for the San Mateo Coast
- Attend the PIN 30x30 Oceans meeting, define a project on San Mateo Coast to support/monitor
- Communicate with San Mateo Coast contacts about CNRA and 30x30 webinar, grant, and poster opportunities
- Possibly rotate attendance at the monthly ConsCom committee meeting to report on 30x30 and gain knowledge of wider conservation efforts
- Meet with other 30x30 volunteers each month to
- consolidate report to be presented to ConsCom
- 30x30 effort, success or update to Loma Prieta Chapter Director for chapter approval and posting to SC Loma Prieta Chapter social media and e newsletter