Summer 2018: Sylvanian Newsletter

Welcome to our first-ever online-only edition of the Sylvanian, our long-running Chapter Newsletter! See below for our table of contents and then read on to learn about our awesome newsletter team.

Table of Contents

  1. Summer 2018: Letter From The Chapter Chair
  2. Fighting for a Billion Dollars in Green Investments in Western Pennsylvania
  3. Energy and Water in Pennsylvania: What You Should Know
  4. Sam Hays, A Force in the Pennsylvania Chapter
  5. Nestle Seeks To Privatize Center County's Water
  6. Mariner East: A Letter From The Community
  7. Update From Beyond Coal: Power Plant Permits
  8. It Takes A Village! The Lehigh River Headwaters Protected
  9. Getting Engaged: Lessons From Southeastern Pennsylvania
  10. What went wrong with the Mariner East 2 pipeline project?
  11. Revival at St. Peter’s: An Honest-To-God true-ish story

Meet our (New)sletter Team

My name is Lynn Strezeski, and I’m a volunteer copyeditor with the newsletter team. When I learned that the previous editors were stepping down, I saw an opportunity to do something I love for a group that shares my values in terms of the environment. I’m excited to work with a team that has great ideas about  growing more into the digital space. 

My name is Sondra Moore, and I’m also a volunteer copyeditor with the team.  I am looking forward to helping Pennsylvania Sierra Club members communicate with each other about issues that matter.  Additionally, I’m hoping to recapture some of the feeling of being on my high school paper.  

Hello, I am Veronica and currently helping out as the reminder role to collect content for the blog. I enjoy all the great content people have been submitting to make our newsletter have content for everyone to enjoy. 

Hi, I am Chantal Mulenga and Ihelp prepare the newsletter draft, as well as collect articles and pictures. I'm thrilled to see how the Sylvanian will grow in its new digital environment and eager to learn more about what makes a newsletter people enjoy reading. I also have a nerdlike excitement to officially be called a newsie.

Hello, I’m Tom Torres, one of our Chapter Staff, and I assist our newsletter team with technology support. I am so appreciative of this team and I am looking forward to us hearing feedback from you!

We are excited for this team to grow so let us know if you want to join — we could always use more copyeditors, coordinators, techies, and content-generators! The Chapter Newsletter only works if you keep sharing your words and pictures with us so please reach out if you have a story idea.

In gratitude,

Your Chapter Newsletter Team.