You may have received an insert with your electric bill about Evergy’s application for rate increases with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC). The public can participate with comments at three public hearings in July and there is a Zoom option. The KCC will hold its evidentiary hearing on the rate increase application in October.
Evergy has reneged on its plans to increase its renewable portfolio and delayed closing its coal-fired plants. Are you fed up with their broken promises? If you are an Evergy customer, please get involved.
The Beyond Coal Campaign of the Sierra Club urges all Kansas Sierra Club members to participate. For information on our position, email Ty Gorman, Senior Campaign Representative, ty.gorman@sierraclub.org.
Public hearings:
· Topeka -- Tuesday, July 11, 6 pm: Washburn Institute of Technology, Main Conference Center, Building A, 5724 SW Huntoon Street.
· Overland Park -- Thursday, July 13, 6 pm: KU Edwards BEST Conference Center, 12600 S. Quivira Road.
· Wichita -- Thursday, July 27. 6 pm: Wichita State University, Low Auditorium, Hughes Metropolitan Complex, 5014 E. 29th Street North.
Public comments will be accepted until 5 p.m., September 29, 2023.
For information about submitting comments and registering for hearings, go to Kansas Corporation Commission - Your Opinion Matters.