10 Ways to Advocate for Environmental Legislation

Each year at the Annapolis statehouse, the Maryland Sierra Club works tirelessly in the General Assembly on behalf of the collective voices of our supporters calling for a healthful environment for the sake of future generations.  There are many ways in which volunteers of all ages and abilities can help.  No expertise needed, just your time & enthusiasm!

  1. Find out who your delegates and state senators are in the General Assembly and start following them in the local news & all social media platforms that you can! www.MDelect.net 

  2. Take Action! Learn more about some of our top campaigns for this year and use the petition links to submit personalized e-mails directly to your legislators.

  3. Meet with your legislators at our massive annual constituent lobby event!  RSVP to kickoff our 2025 Lobby Night!

  4. Attend legislative hearings on the Maryland General Assembly Website and even on youtube in 2025!

  5. Follow up by writing or telephoning your legislators to tell them about the legislation that means the most to you! 

  6. Join our rapid response Legislative Listserv to take action at key legislative moments (sign up by emailing Legislation@MDSierra.org).

  7. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

  8. Plan and attend events like house parties, movie nights, and rallies.

  9. Connect with the Maryland Sierra Club on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube and share our posts and videos with your elected officials and your friends!

  10. Send a donation to help support our efforts.

And if you’re over 18, Vote! Make sure you are registered to vote for the next election. 

For more information, email Legislation@MDSierra.org or call (301) 277-7111.