Sierra Club believes we deserve to have leaders who take strong actions to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment.
- The Maryland Sierra Club’s political program works to elect clean air, clean water and climate action champions across the state of Maryland.
- Political committees at the chapter and in each local group identify officeholders who have earned our support for reelection, and other candidates who will support and promote environmental protection and who share our core values of equity, justice, and inclusion.
- Candidate evaluations are strictly nonpartisan, and are based on the candidate’s existing public record, questionnaire responses, and interviews.
- Endorsement decisions are approved by committees at two separate levels within the Sierra Club.
- After endorsements are made, the political committees mobilize support to help elect endorsed candidates.
- Sierra Club can also provide financial support to endorsed candidates through our political action committee.
Current Endorsements
How You Can Help
DONATE Support the Maryland Sierra Club Political Action Committee (PAC).
Contact Us Email our Political Chair at Rich.Norling@mdsierra.org.
Use this interactive tool to determine your Congressional and State legislative districts.
Join the Political Committee
Want to save the environment? Enjoy politics? Do you want to help on political campaigns? If yes, then the Political Committee is the place for you!
The Political Committee of the Maryland Chapter helps decide which candidates to endorse in local, state, and national elections, and supports and works on political campaigns in an effort to influence the outcome. The Committee distributes information and signage, and participates in a number of outreach activities such as door-knocking, calling and contacting members to write letters to the editor, to attend events, to register to vote, etc.
The Political Committee is composed of volunteers who are joined in their efforts to elect candidates to office who will protect the environment. The Committee produces scorecards for candidates holding office, creates green voter guides, and distributes and evaluates candidate questionnaires to determine which candidate to endorse.
The Committee also organizes candidate forums and other such outreach efforts to support candidates, including creating and distributing campaign materials.
Here is guidance regarding personal political activity by Sierra Club Members.
If you would like to find out about how you can help, please contact Rich Norling, Political Committee Chair, at rich.norling@mdsierra.org.
- 2024 General Election Endorsements and Results (PDF)
- 2024 Primary Election Endorsements and Results (PDF)
- 2022 General Election Endorsements and Results (PDF)
- 2022 Primary Election Endorsements and Results (PDF)
- 2021 Election Endorsements and Results (PDF)
- 2020 General Election Endorsements and Results
- 2020 Primary Election Endorsements and Results
See more past endorsements.
By authority Charles Skinner, Treasurer, Sierra Club MD Chapter PAC. Not authorized or approved by any candidate.