Maryland Sierra Club is a proud organizational partner of many coalitions in environmental and climate work.
- Choose Clean Water Coalition
- Everyone Votes Maryland
- Get Maryland Moving
- Maryland Advocates for Sustainable Transportation
- Citizens Campaign for the Environment
- & many more!
Passionate Sierra Club Volunteer Leaders are working on many ongoing issues and working with coalition partners in our efforts in systemic change across our communities in Maryland...
- Maryland Campaign for Environmental Human Rights
- Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act
- Protect Our Maryland Streams
- Community Choice Energy
- Food Sustainability
- Poultry Pollution & Contained Animal Feeding Operations (AKA CAFOs)
- Protecting Water Sources & Water Affordability
- Solid Waste Management and Composting (check back for more soon!)
- Synthetic Turf
- Stormwater Management
In our homes and backyards...
- Invasive Plant Control and Native Species Preservation
- Land Preservation Toolkit
- Native Plant & Species Networks & Corridors (check out a workgroup meeting on our calendar!)
- Pesticide Free Yards
- Polluted Runoff and Stormwater Management
- Suburban Deer & Tick Management
- Stream Preservation (check out a workgroup meeting on our calendar!)
And nationwide...