Wind Energy

Wind Farm, Maryland Energy Administration

Wind Farm, Maryland Energy Administration

According to the Maryland Energy Administration wind energy accounts for only 1.4% of Maryland’s in state electricity generation. There are also two proposed offshore wind farms which would have 368 MW of total capacity. These projects are projected to be operational by 2022. The potential capacity for additional land and offshore wind farms is massive. In order to reach Maryland’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction goal of cutting carbon emissions 40% by 2030 and ultimately reach 100% clean renewable energy the capacity of wind energy needs to increase substantially. To address the threat of climate change to our coastal state, Maryland needs to develop wind energy faster than current market forces alone can allow. The Maryland Sierra Club is dedicated to facilitate development of wind projects in Maryland.

Benefits of Wind in Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic

  • Wind power is cost-effective and overall cheaper than fossil fuels.

  • Wind energy has the smallest carbon footprint of any energy source.

  • Wind energy creates jobs and wind turbine technician is one of the fastest growing American jobs according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

  • Wind turbines can be built on existing farms. This greatly benefits the economy in rural areas. Farmers can continue to work the land because the wind turbines use only a fraction of the land. Wind power plant owners make rent payments to the property owner for the use of the land, providing landowners with additional income.

  • Offshore wind is much more efficient, sustainable and safe than offshore drilling to meet our energy demands!

  • Wind turbines are low maintenance requiring little service.

  • Wind energy does not pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal or fracked gas. Wind turbines don't emit particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide.  

  • Wind turbines produce energy without causing acid rain, smog, or greenhouse gases. 

  • Wind turbines can be scaled from large industrial turbines to small individual turbines.

  • Increasing wind energy in Maryland can aid in the development of sustainable energy grids. 

What We’re Doing

  • Supporting offshore wind development in Maryland 

  • Supporting updates to Maryland’s Renewable Portfolio Standard that drive wind energy development

  • Screening Reinventing Power to debunk common myths about clean renewable energy

  • Educating members, policy makers, and the public about good wind policy and answering frequently asked questions about improving the green industry. 

How You Can Help