Staying Current: Refreshing Your Rating and More
**Alerts: 1) See First Aid (FA) page for more on FA requirements and opportunities. 2) See our Seminar page for more on how Leadership Training Committee (LTC) is conducting its seminars. 3) See our Outings Leader Training (OLT) page for ways to refresh your knowledge of policies
First, once you are a Certified leader with the Angeles Chapter, you do not lose that rating certification except in certain circumstances such as suspension. However, in order to lead any outing, the Sierra Club and Angeles Chapter basic leader standards require you to be current in your knowledge of Club and Chapter policies. We call this OLT - Outings Leader Training - which must be refreshed every four years. Your Outings Chair can tel you more. Certified/rated leaders must be current in at least First Aid. First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certifications expire as of the expiration date on the FA or Wilderness First Aid (WFA) card as issued by the provider. Note that CPR is not required to be renewed except if you are leading a Provisional or certain types of trips or your have positions that require you to be current in CPR.
See below for general information on Refreshing Your Rating and Campfire.

About Refreshing Your Rating
How do I do it?
First Aid and
OLT pages for more details on renewing your certifications.
Note that the Chapter does not require you to lead at the rating level in order to maintain your rating. However, If you haven’t led a trip at a similar level within the past four years, you may need to provide the sponsoring Groups, Sections and Committees and Task Forces (GSC) Outings Chair with information showing that you have maintained your experience and skills. The outings chair may ask that you conduct your next trip as a provisional and/or attend a technical training (if applicable) as part of your refresher process. See Forms page for Provisional Leader Evaluation Forms.
What is OLT?
"Outings Leader Training." National Sierra Club training module(s) and Angeles Chapter seminars and Leaders' Reference Book "LRB" cover Sierra Club guidelines for outings. Leaders must update their knowledge of OLT and Angeles Chapter guidelines every four years. As of 2022, OLT has undergone a major revision in order to better inform leaders about Sierra Club mission, priorities and equity values.
"OLT201" (for backpacks) is now part of the main training.
Why do I get emails from "local.outings" about my certifications?
You may get an email message from Sierra Club Local Outings reminding you that certain certifications are expiring soon. If you have already renewed or refreshed a certification, you must be sure to tell your outings chair (OC) so that they can update your record in the leader database. Your OC and Outings Management Committee (OMC) Chair get the same emails so that we can be aware of these expirations.
Why do I get reminders for multiple things like my first aid ?
Some records in the database have several choices for the OC or records-management person to update. This is especially true for First Aid. There are several types of courses available, from Basic FA to FA + CPR, etc. See more on the
Do I need CPR?
You do need CPR if you are a planning to lead a provisional trip. Generally, the Club does not require you to refresh CPR for most activities. However, Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) leaders must have CPR currency, along with other types of certifications. Some entities may have specific requirements based on permits and other factors. Your OC can tell you more. If not, ask OMC.
I am a doctor. Why do I need First Aid?
If you are a current practicing doctor or certified nurse, you do not have to take a basic first aid course. You do need to tell your OC (or us) that you are currently practicing and may need to provide proof. For those seeking I or above ratings, you still may need WFA. Please ask us for clarification.
What is Campfire?
It's a suite of tools that you'll want to be able to access. Campfire Events is for entering your event in the system, to be approved by your Outings Chair. There's also Campfire Community for more information than you'd ever want. And Campfire Learning, with various web-based courses including an online OLT.
Learn more on our Campfire Events page.
Visit our Trip Planning pages for information of interest to outings leaders and chairs, including Rules of Conduct and Fundraising outings overview.