O-level outings are limited to Class 1

O Level outings include walking or hiking in urban or natural settings, e.g., nature or urban walks,conditioning hikes, day hikes, and overnight backpacks on trails that require only minimal navigation skills. O-level outings comprise the majority of Angeles Chapter activities. Leaders rated at the O-1 level may lead day hikes/walks and car camps.. O-2 level leaders may lead on-trail backpacks or mule pack trips. To become an O-2 provisional leader, you will need to have at least one overnight trip away from trailhead. This can be a backpack or mule pack at the O-2 or I Level among your five Sierra Club Angeles Chapter experience outings. Please see Steps to Leadership for general guidelines.
Best resources for learning about the O rating are the LRB, your outings chair and LTC Admin Team at LTCangeleschapter@gmail.com.
For more information on First Aid/CPR requirements go to First Aid.
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