Resources For Outings Chairs

View of Mineral King Mountains - Western DivideAbout Outings Chairs

The Angeles Chapter outings program depends on rated leaders, eager participants and – just as important -- Outings Chairs (OCs).  OCs help their Group, Section or Committee or Task Force (GSC) plan, schedule, review and publish outings. OCs assist leaders in keeping their status current and guide new leaders through the provisional process. They maintain sign-in sheets and are familiar with Club rules. OCs can also help foster a welcoming environment and set a positive tone for their entity's outings. 
 What are the main things I need to know and qualities I should have?
  • Have Internet access and an active email associated with your SC membership.
  • Be willing to stay in touch with your leaders by email or other methods.
  • Know the databases and Campfire and be on the Outings Chairs Listserv.
  • Be able to access essential outings Forms on this site.
  • Know the Sierra Club rules about currency requirements for your leaders.
    • See Already a Leader for ways to refresh First Aid (FA) & Outings Leadership Training (OLT).
  • Help your entity in planning and scheduling outings.
  • Think outside the box! and encourage leaders to find new activities to offer.
  • Understand the Safety Review Process. Also see Safety and Incident Reporting.
  • Know when a Medical Form and/or a Safety Management Plan is required. 
  • Publish your outings in Campfire, newsletters, website and other venues. Note that if you aren't using Campfire Events (recommended!) you must send the write-up to the safety committee to review. 
  • Maintain waivers/sign-in sheets (for 7 years).
  • Become familiar with the 2022 edition of the Leader's Reference Book. Download or view on the LRB Page.
  • Keep your entity going by recruiting new leaders.
  • Help new candidates with Leadership Training.
  • View the Rated Leader Lists. Ask LTC about more recent years.
  • Attend the annual Outings Assembly. Consider updating your own knowledge of Club policies by attending an LTC Seminar.
  • Explore other Chapter Activity Sections (Co-sponsoring widens your reach!)
  • Have patience and a sense of humor!

Outings Management Committee (OMC)

The Chapter's Outings Management Committee (OMC) is here to help outings chairs. If you are a new OC or just curious, explore this website and be familiar with the rules. Consider co-sponsoring activities with other Chapter entities. Want to know more about them?  Get to know other outings chairs by attending the annual Outings Assembly sponsored by OMC. And, consider being a part of the Chapter's outings management by becoming a rep to this committee. See more under Management* New OC's should inform OMC Chairs when they are approved by their entity. 

Need help with handling complaints? or have problems with particpants or leaders?  OMC and the Chapter have ombudspeople who can help guide you. Most outings-related complaints should be handled in a timely manner at the most local level possible (namely, by the leader, the OC and Chair of the entity),  but sometimes, more time and guidance is needed. All Sierra Club leaders should be familiar with the Standards of Conduct, along with the Rules of Conduct for outings and the Equal Opportunity Policy. Remember that an Incident Report can be very useful in preserving details of a complaint. Look for more resources coming on these topics. 
> Here is the link to the section on Outings Resources
> Here is link to Incident Reporting. All Sierra Club entities report incidents online using the Outings IncidenForm. Choose Outings from the menu. Link:
National Sierra Club office: 2101 Webster St Suite 1300 / Oakland, CA 94612 / Main phone: 415-977-5500  / Phone for emergencies: 1-888-Outings (888-688-4647)
Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter: 3250 Wilshire Blvd. #1106 /  Los Angeles, CA 90010 / 213-387-4287
Questions? See Management for contacts.  LTC Admin Team members are at or Safety Committee at OMC Chair at OMC@angeles.sierraclub,org

Technical Support:

You can also email webmasters.
  • Campfire Community website Anyone who is a volunteer leader with a defined "role" can have access to Community.