Provisional Leaders

Hikers in the mountainsFor Outings Chairs and Rated Leaders: 
About Provisionals and Recruiting Leaders


Only a Provisional Leader and a Certified Leader - as designated in LEADERS - may lead an Angeles Chapter outing. Only a Certified Leader may assist on a provisional outing. A "Trainee" may not lead any outing until designation is changed by LTC to Provisional statusConsult the LTC Admin Team at View the Rated Leader Lists for ideas for evaluators and mentors. 

What is the difference between a Trainee and a Provisional leader?

  • A Trainee is not a Provisional Leader! "Trainee" is a term LTC uses to begin entering information in the database. Candidates are considered trainees until requirements are satisfied at which point LTC will update their status to Provisional Leader. Only when LTC has recorded this staus can a candidate  lead a provisional outing. 
  • If you thinnk a candidate has completed requirements but you (the OC) still see status as Trainee - or no status - contact the LTC Admin Team. They will be updating LEADERS along the way. 

What are some ways I can recruit new leaders? 

  • Consult with your management committee about creating a mentorship program.
  • Work with your leaders and entity to identify potential leaders among participants.
  • A welcoming atmosphere – and interesting outings - goes a long way towards attracting new leaders.  
  • Outings Chairs: Contact your leader roster and ask them to lead at least one outing a year if they aren't already doing so.
  • Spread the word about LTC events.
  • Explore other Chapter Activity Sections. Co-sponsoring widens your reach!

How do I assist "O" leader candidates through the provisional process?

  • Recruit and encourage new leaders as well as leaders who want to upgrade their ratings. Have a ready list of possible outings to suggest. Review the current LRB; consult with your Chair and/or management team and other leaders. Suggest a mentor; help the candidate find a suitable evaluator.
  • You can help an O candidate who has not yet satisfied basic requirements to be a Provisional Leader, e.g. help them get a first aid/CPR course done, be sure they have gone on 5 experience hikes, ensure that their Club membership is up to date.
  • Be sure the candidate is listed as Provisional before planning the outing!
  • Confer with LTC, OMC and/or Safety when you need more advice.
  • For those seeking an I/M/E rating, see Steps to Leadership.

How much lead-time should I allow for scheduling an "O" provisional?

  • O candidates have literally taken the LTC Seminar on Saturday and led their "O-1" provisional on Sunday with a month or less of lead time to recruit an assistant and schedule the trip. It depends on whether the candidate has achieved Provisional status.
  • I/M/E provisionals have different requirements. See Steps to Leadership.

How do I know if a provisional is suitable and what do I do after it goes?

  • Provisional outings should conform to standards set in the LRB, Safety Policy and your own entity's policies. For "O" rated outings, in most cases the key issue is lack of participants; make sure your candidate gets at least six participants (in addition to the candidate and evaluator).
  • Consult the LTC Admin for advice. Denying suitability of a provisional will usually happen before the trip goes.
  • After the outing, urge the candidate to submit all evaluation forms to LTC in a timely manner. 
  • I/M/E provisionals -  See Steps to Leadership. 
  • Want pointers on Provisionals? see this excerpt from LRB: Pointers on Provisionals.

Who grants the leader rating?

  • The Angeles Chapter Safety Committee grants leader ratings. After the LTC Admin Team signs off on the paperwork, the provisional leader's file is submitted to Safety for review. When approved, Safety will enter the Chapter rating in the LEADERS Database. Only after the Chapter rating is granted can an outings chair add the leader to their entity roster in LEADERS at that same rating.


Questions? Contact LTC Admin at or Safety Committee at