About The Leader's Reference Book (LRB)

The Angeles Chapter's LRB is in two parts and is essential reading for Candidates and Rated Leaders and Outings Chairs when refreshing their OLT knowledge. See Contents below.

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The August 2022 Leader’s Reference Book

The latest 2022 Leader’s Reference Book (LRB), Part One, Chapters 1-5 is required reading for all leader candidates at all levels and is required for all rated leaders who are refreshing their OLT.  The remaining chapters 6-8 make up Part Two.


  • The LRB Chapters 1-5 PART ONE of the  2022 Leader’s Reference Book (LRB) is required reading. It includes Angeles Chapter policies and materials and concepts via National Outings Leadership Training (OLT), including evaluating participants, Trip Planning & Safety Management Plans. It also includes excerpts from the 2021 Sierra Club Affirmative Standards of Conduct, the Equal Opportunity Policy (how issues are handled), a document on inappropriate behaviors, and more.

  • The LRB Chapters 6-8  PART TWO - Navigation / Rock and Snow (LRB Part Two):  ALL CANDIDATES must read Chapter 6: Navigation.  We recommend that I level candidates read chapters 7 (Rock) and 8 (Snow). For M and E level candidates, chapters 7 & 8 are required; contact LTC Admins for more information.  


  • Read the Leader’s Reference Book Part One to refresh your Outings Leadership Training. We are also recommending that leaders take the online OLT provided by Campfire Learning. See our OLT page for refreshing info. You'll also want to stay familiar with Forms and Incident Reporting. You may also gain more insight by attending a Seminar. We also recommend reading Ch. 6 in part 2 to refresh your understanding of navigation. Just let us - and/or your outings chair know when you are done, including any cetification from the online OLT and we can update your record. See Contacts under the Safety & Management tab. Good for four years.

  • We expect all candidates and rated leaders alike to read the Rules of Conduct, which incorporates the Safe Space Agreement

Angeles Chapter leaders and candidates: If you have taken the National Outings Leadership Training (OLT), you will need to read this Leaders Reference Book as instructed above.


August 2022 UPDATED VERSION. Chapters 1-5  LRB2022 PART ONE with hyperlinks in table of contents.  > we will be updating some guidance on several topics, e.g. dogs on outings, service animals and more. 

  • Chapter. 1: Leadership Training Program, the nuts and bolts. See Leadership Training Program on this site. The program and leader standards remain the same for our leaders. 
  • Chapter. 2: Two Sections: 1) Sierra Club Values and History and 2) Conservation Connections. Discusses current conservation priorities, our 2030 Strategic Vision, Conservation and Outings Leadership, Wilderness Ethics. 
  • Chapter 3: Outings Policies and General Safety. Includes updated safety items to reflect current National and Chapter policies and includes an expanded section on harassment, discrimination, and bullying and handling conflicts and complaints. Also see our Angeles Chapter Safety Management Committee page for more information and resources.
  • Chapter 4: Outings Leadership and Emergency Preparedness is presented in five parts. This chapter has undergone the biggest revision. 4A: Leadership Qualities, including Ethical Leadership; 4B: Trip Planning; 4C: Evaluating Participants; 4D: Conducting the Outing; 4E: Risk Management and Emergencies: includes updated checklists for Emergency Response, Trip Planning and a Pre-Trip Briefing / Trailhead Talk. Also see our Trip Planning page for more information and resources. 
  •  Ch. 5: First Aid Considerations. Revisions from Steve Schuster, First Aid Chair; Includes a valuable Wilderness Response checklist and much more.  Also see our First Aid page for more information and courses.

Chapters 6-8 LRB2019 PART TWO no hyperlinks, older format; no changes. Updates coming in 2025.

  • Ch. 6: Navigation (see also appendices at end). Same as 18th edition. Required for all candidates.
  • Ch. 7: Rock. Same as18th edition. Recommended for I level; mandatory for M&E level.
  • Ch. 8: Snow. Same as18th edition. Recommended for I level; mandatory for M&E level.

Appendices and Bibliography from 18th edition. All forms are available on this website (see Forms).

LRB cover

About the LRB: Whether you are a new candidate or an experienced leader, the Leader's Reference Book (LRB) is a comprehensive guide to leading for the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter. As an integral part of the Chapter's Leadership Training Program, the LRB describes the program and the steps to leadership at the O, I, M and E levels - and much more. This revised two-part book stands alongside a lot of other instructional books and courses on outdoor recreation, navigation, first aid, and common sense leadership skills. The LRB provides information on organizing and trip planning, managing the outing once you are out in the field, and the essential safety and rules of conduct policies you'll need as you move forward towards leadership. The first edition was compiled in 1973, followed by many others over the years since then with a succession of editors. The last printed edition was 2015, the 18th edition.  In 2019, we changed to a Word doc and pdf format that has allowed us more flexibility and so we now have our 2022 Edition. We expect some changes possibly in 2025 which can address updates as we align with National OLT.

2022 Editors: Jane Simpson, LTC Co-Chair/ Webmaster and Laura Rainey, LTC Co-Webmaster. Contributors to 2022 edition: Tom McDonnell (Chapter 3) and Steve Schuster (Chapter 5).

 The version posted here may have typos! minor corrections to follow when we have time from our lives...

Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter  
617 W. 7th St, Suite 702
Los Angeles, CA 90017
The National Sierra Club office
2101 Webster St. Suite 1300
Oakland, CA 94612
Outings emergency hotline / reporting incidents see Incident Reporting
1-888-OUTINGS  (1-888-688-4647)
Reminder: First Aid expiration: A leader must be current in a qualifying first aid course when leading an outing . Current means that your FA / CPR / WFA card is not expired, typically, within two-three years of when you took the course and is determined by the provider. See First Aid for more information.
Archive: prior Sierra Club Policy Preventing Harassment and Bullying.  This are replaced by the Equal Opportunity Policy above.
Contacts: see Management page.

Additional Reading

Sierra Club's Outings Programs insist on a Safe Space Agreement among participants, leaders, volunteers, and staff. We want to support everyone in exploring, enjoying, and protecting these phenomenal spaces, and hateful and dangerous behavior will not be tolerated. We don't want to deny participation in these outdoor programs and we will always say no to racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, impairment, and disruption. The Equal Opportunity Policy clearly outlines the expectations of those wishing to support the Outdoor Activities mission.  

Sierra Club Outings does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. Note that the 2022 Leader's Reference Book (LRB) contains a longer definition of harassment.  

The Outdoors For All Theory of Change is a basis for changes we see in the new OLT of 2022.