Campfire Events Training


 Your gateway to submitting activities online

  Login or Register: Campfire Events

Campfire refers to a suite of tools for engaging with the Sierra Club. Includes Campfire Events, Community and Learning and more. Campfire Events is viewed by the public via the Schedule of Activities page on the Angeles Chapter website and via entity websites. If you are new to all of this, get familiar with how events appear in the chapter schedule. Note that there are several “views”: List, Map and Calendar. Participants see the information you have entered. Click on various events to compare; you may even see longer entries that include photos. For non-outings, you just need to be a member affiliated with a sponsoring entity. For outings, Outings Chairs may enter all of the events themselves or some may choose to give their outings leaders access so that they may input their activity directly. Our Safety Committee will automatically be notified when an outing is made Active.

The most current Information is on this google doc that is periodically updated by IT folks:  How to Create an Event in Campfire Events (for Chapters and Groups).

To access Campfire you need to have a defined leadership role, i.e. Leader Trainee, Provisional Leader, Leader, Outings Chair, etc. Outings Chairs and Chairs can help you with that. Campfire Events is where you enter your Outings, Activist, Club Support and Social Events.  Each Event Category includes its list of Types: e.g. education, training, fundraising, picnic, etc. These docs are customized for Angeles Chapter use but are not as current as the google doc above,

New features in Campfire Events!

  • The waiver will eventually have a Spanish version
  • Upload documents like a Safety Management Plan
  • For overnights and ICO, medical forms included with registration.
  • Add additional text to the automated confirmation email 
  • Include yourself and leaders in the Send Email feature
  • Select different Custom Question types

Need help? 

Contact Jane Simpson for local support. 

Need even more Help? Please visit the Digital Products Support Team Resource Index and/or create a support ticket at or

More details on these features can be found in additional Campfire Events help guides : How to view, manage and contact who registered for your event in Campfire Events (for Chapters and Groups).


Creating any Event

Have a meeting to post? a social event to invite folks to? or a Club Support event such as a training, a tabling or fundraiser?

  • Be sure your entity knows you plan to enter an event in the system! 
  • Log in using your email that is associated with your membership. (More on logging in the first time is available in the training doc.)
  • Once in, look at the sponsor dropdown menu. You should see "0400 Angeles Chapter" and your entity(s) listed as sponsor choices.
  • Set the date, the category, the type and add yourself as the organizer (2 leaders for any outing), then change status to Active when done.
  • Consider using the RSVP (Registration) function.  See the training doc.
  • Outings require more oversight and steps!
  • When is an event an Outing? When it includes any reference to a hike or walk. A picnic that mentions a hike is an Outing that requires appropriate procedures.  Not sure - or want advice?   Ask OMC Chairs.  See Management page for contacts.

Creating an Outing

Outings start with an idea that evolves into a plan - Who/What/Where/When and How

  • Remember that leaders must be current with membership, First Aid and "OLT" and affiliated with an entity. (Leaders can lead for more than one.) The Outings Chair checks the Leader Management database for currency, and/or leadership status. For Provisionals, see other pages here and contact the LTC Admin Team if you need more details on that process..
  • If you are an Outings Chair, you can log in to Campfire and enter the event yourself. And/or you can give "permission" to a leader to enter their own outings by adding them in Leader Management as a leader for your entity  - only at the same rating the Chapter allows for that individual.
  • New user? or want to have access? Ask your Outings Chair or Chair first. 
  • New Outings Chair? look over this site and For Outings Chairs and related pages. Contact Outings Management at

If you are using Campfire Events: 

  • Input the outing for your entity, completing all fields, selecting at least two leaders, etc.
  • If you are a leader (but not an outings chair): once you are satisfied, select the Pending Approval status and keep the default notifications checked so that your Outings Chair is automatically notified.
  • Outings Chair reviews the outing and makes it “Active." This triggers the system to send an automatic email to the Safety Committee for their review. 
  • Publication tip: You can limit publicaton to your entity only.  if you want this to show up on the Chapter's or your entity website, do not check "do not show on website calendars" even if you want to limit publication to your entity,

If you are not using Campfire Events (recommended!), you must be sure that your activity first appears in a Club publication, i.e. your newsletter, website. Meetup is not an entity publication. 

  • In this case, the Outings Chair must send an email with link to the published event (website, etc). to for final review. 

Need Help? Here are some Contacts

Sr. Director Morgan Goodwin 
Communications & membership questions - TBD
Outings OMC Chairs  Emmy Goldknopf and David Morrow
Campfire Liaison Jane Simpson 


Cool Tips

Want to add a Hyperlink? Or maybe a photo? The Training doc has some info on this, but here's a quick tip:

The wysiwyg editor shows hyperlinks