Geographical Information Systems Committee

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Committee provides mapping and other GIS services to Chapter entities.


Committee members are volunteers who use the Chapter's ESRI ArcGIS software to develop conservation-related maps. Example efforts below.

Open Street Map
OpenStreetMap is a free, open-source map (no copyright) that anyone can contribute, edit, and use. 

The committee matches volunteers with appropriate skills with project requests. We can provide training and software for interested volunteers with good computer skills and general mapping knowledge. Members who can volunteer a few hours per month should contact the Chair. Requests for mapping projects for other Chapter entities should be directed to the Chair:

Loma Prieta Chapter  Membership Map 2023 by Kristine Piedad

Chapter Map

Current Chapter Conservation Projects by Kristine Piedad

March 2024 Loma Prieta Chapter Projects


Artificial Turf Fields (under development) by Kristine Piedad

Artificial Turf Field Points Loma Prieta Chapter


ArcGIS - Artificial Turf in the Loma Prieta Region.pdf1.01 MB


ERSI Example work:

Coyote Valley Land Use and Ownership

Coyote Valley Main Development Area

Minorities and access to public transportation.

1/4 mile stop buffer.

Millbrae California Transportation

Urban Heat Islands