Air Quality


To promote better air quality by monitoring the actions of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Recent actions by the Club have encouraged the District to be more protective of the emissions from the Santa Clara Valley.

Contact: Gary Latshaw glatshaw*


Lehigh Hanson Cement Plant 

by Natalie See, Irvington High School in Fremont, April 19

Lehing Hanson Cement PlantIn December of 2011, the Lehigh Cement lawsuit was filed, and thus started a series of changes. Lehigh Hanson Cement Plant, owned by Hanson Permanente Cement, a longtime producer of Silicon Valley building materials were charged a $7.5 million fine to settle water pollution violations. The agreement with the EPA accounted for the dumping of millions of gallons of toxic wastewater into the creek in Cupertino. Discharged wastewater contained selenium, a naturally occurring element toxic to various birds, fish, and wildlife. The selenium levels surpassed the safety level by several folds, causing harm to several species of fish and frogs living in the water, especially the endangered steelhead trout. The element affects the food hierarchy by killing several species of animals. High levels of nickel, thallium, mercury, and various other pollutants, which are toxic to humans, were also present. Following several sample tests of the chemicals in the water by specialists and members of the Sierra Club, the case was finally brought to court. Read more here.