Connecting with Conservation in San Benito County

Pajaro Compass

The San Benito Agricultural Land Trust’s Nyland Property was the site for the Pajaro Compass Network Fall Stakeholder Meeting in October.  Chapter members, Lisa Barboza and Katja Irvin, attended to learn more and maintain connection with conservation efforts in one of the three counties served by the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter and for the 30x30 campaign.

A broad range of conservation topics were covered:  Pajaro River Levee Setback Research Project, Gabilan to Santa Cruz Mountains Landscape Linkage Project, San Benito Wildfire Resilience Project, Reservoir presentations , Endangered Species Considerations, Cultural Easement Overview, and Cultural Burns as Stewardship Strategy. Clearly, conservation is on the move in San Benito County!

Pajaro Compass
Pajaro Compass
Pajaro Compass