In 2014, despite broad opposition, San Jose approved the Heritage Oaks Memorial Park project: an expansive cemetery on 102 acres off of McKean Road just south of Almaden Valley and near Coyote Valley. Phases of the project are moving forward now, including extensive grading to allow multiple buildings (funeral home, chapel, mausoleums, crematory, more), circulation roads, and parking. Over 120 heritage oak trees will be removed.
Our world has changed since 2014. Impacts previously dismissed are increasingly becoming significant and unavoidable. Assembly Bill 948 (2019, Kalra) which identifies Coyote Valley, including the Project site, as an Area of Statewide Significance. Indeed, North Coyote Valley, at the foot of this development, is now protected.
Wildlife movement (think mountain lions, bobcats) is likely to be impeded by this project. Impacts of climate change and fire hazard are evident in our landscapes. Returning this land to public open space will create a new wildlife linkage between Coyote Valley Open Space, and Calero County Park, where none now exists.
A new Environmental Impact Report is needed to allow the public and elected officials to evaluate these issues and potentially, to reconsider the wisdom of this project in this location.
San Jose Planning Division
Thursday, November 30, 2023
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
200 E. Santa Clara St. – 3rd FL
San José, CA 95113
This is to advise you of a community meeting for the Heritage Oaks Memorial Park project on a hillside property located on the south side of Bailey Avenue, approximately 1,200 feet easterly of McKean Road. To learn more about the hearing process, visit sanjoseca.gov/DevelopmentHearingGuide.
This meeting will be held virtually using a Zoom conference call. To access the agenda and instructions on how to participate, visit sanjoseca.gov/PlanningMeetings.
Zoom meeting link: https://sanjoseca.zoom.us/j/97931724612
Zoom meeting phone number: +1 408 638 0968 or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 979 3172 4612