Chapter Elections

2024 Election Results

Loma Prieta Chapter Executive Committee

  • Nancy Tierney - 311
  • Susan Hinton - 309
  • Kathy Battat - 304
  • Dave Olson - 299
  • Elaine Salinger - 302

All are elected to two-year terms.

Guadalupe Group Executive Committee

  • Gary Latshaw - 120
  • Gary Bailey - 115
  • Lisa Barboza - 122
  • Shawn Britton - 122

Gary Latshaw, Lisa Barboza, and Shawn Britton are elected to two-year terms. Gary Bailey are elected to the one-year vacancy fill-in.

Peninsula Group Executive Committee

  • Mike Ferreira - 166
  • Gita Dev - 182
  • Susan Desjardin - 174

All are elected to two-year terms.

2024 Ballot Instructions

Ballot deadline will be announced. Candidate statements below have been edited for length. You have the option of voting electronically or via postcard ballot; choose only one option.

Sierra Club Voters Guide

Electronic Voting

Electronic voting will open at starting November 15th. If you vote electronically, you cannot vote by the paper ballot.

Paper Voting

Ballots will be mailed on a large postcard titled "Loma Prieta Chapter and Group Ballot" in November. If you fail to receive your ballot or spoiled it, contact the Chapter office at 650-390-8411. Photocopies or other reproductions will not be accepted.

Each member is entitled to vote once in this election. Two selection columns have been included on the ballot so that both people in a joint membership can vote; for single members, only vote in one column. Please only vote in your applicable group election.

Ballots must be returned to 3921 E. Bayshore Rd., Ste 204, Palo Alto, CA 94303 by December 15th; late ballots will not be counted.

2024 Candidate Statements

Loma Prieta Chapter Executive Committee (ExCom)

There are five (5) open seats, all for a full two-year term. Voluntary candidate statements are presented in random order.

Susan Hinton

Susan Hinton headshot

I love being outside, and I love day hiking and family-style camping. So joining the Sierra Club was a natural fit.  But the reason I joined the Sierra Club was to belong to an organization with a decades long, serious track record of preserving, supporting and improving the natural environment for flora, fauna, ourselves — all of us —  and for our descendants.  I also wanted to join an organization where I, as a volunteer, through a process involving positive discussion and respect, could both coordinate events and advocacy with others and propose advocacies and undertakings. The Sierra Club’s Loma Prieta Chapter has offered me those sorts of opportunities over and over as I’ve grown from being a newbie to leading  the Plastic Pollution Prevention Team. This year I was particularly pleased to author the Natural Surfaces Resolution, known formally as the “Support Natural Compostable Materials and Oppose Petroleum and Plastic Products in Urban, Suburban and Open Area Landscapes,” which the Council of Club Leaders approved to take to the Board.  

Nominated and approved to fill the remaining term of a retiring Executive Committee member, I now would like to join the Executive Committee for a full term in order to support the Chapter in the same way that I have been supported by the Chapter. 

My experience working 20+ years as software engineer and manager at the NASA Ames Research Center called for me to analyze complex topics and then write, discuss and present the results, often in long and sometimes heated discussions among passionate researchers and software teams.  My role also meant mastering budgeting and spreadsheets - far from my favorite activities though necessary.  As a “bonus” I’m also familiar with large and sometimes messy hierarchies. But this has put me in good stead to lead the Plastic Pollution Prevention Team.

My time as an engineer and manager has been fulfilling but, being a curious and somewhat restless person, I’ve tried other roles. Among these has been Graduate Student President at UCSD in 1986 which gave me the opportunity to argue directly with U.C. President Gardner about divesting U.C. pension funds from companies profiting in South Africa during Apartheid; Teacher Organization President at a bilingual and bicultural school my son attended; and as a Court Appointed Child Advocate (CASA) for nearly five years mentoring foster youth, including taking them out on hikes and into nature.

But rather than list every role or activity I’ve pursued, let me restate my commitment to the environment and to everyone who cares about the environment. If we aren’t able to properly care for it and for each other now, we may find ourselves at a literal dead end.

I would be honored to gain your vote. 

Elaine Salinger

Elaine Salinger headshot

It would be an honor to earn your vote and join the Sierra Club’s Executive Committee. 

I am the San Mateo County Citizens Climate Lobby chapter leader, the San Mateo County Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) chair, a docent at Edgewood Park, a CA Native Plant Society Member for over 20 years, and a retired veterinarian living in San Mateo,. As the chapter leader of CCL, I have prioritized partnering with and supporting other local environmental groups like SV, Acterra, Sustainable SMC, and Peninsula Clean Energy and nationally with the Environmental Voter Project and Rewiring America. Through my volunteering with Citizens Climate Lobby, I work to pass bi-partisan legislation that will reduce our use of dirty energy, preserve our old growth forests, electrify our homes and businesses, increase natural means of carbon sequestration, and I collaborate with many local environmental groups and mentor volunteers. Through my work with the BPAC, I meet with law enforcement, the office of sustainability, and many cyclists, advocating for bike infrastructure and enforcement of existing laws to protect cyclists. 

I love the natural world and work everyday to protect life around us, particularly the plants and the animals that cannot advocate for themselves. Doing several hours of habitat restoration everyday grounds and sustains me, but I also recognise that habitat restoration will fail in the face of climate change if we cannot make the changes that are needed. 

To educate the public about climate solutions and build political will, I do about 50 presentations a year, mostly to high schools and local colleges, about climate solutions and action, and I mentor the SMC Citizens Climate Lobby student group, as well as students from other US chapters.

I wake up every morning wanting to make the world a better place. It is hard work, but “hard work is good work.” My mind constantly asks “What more can I do?” and “What do I not understand?”

Nancy Tierney

Nancy Tierney headshot

I became interested and active in environmental sustainability about 25 years ago while working as a campus and facilities planner in higher education. University campuses operate much like small cities. From creating renewable energy systems to reducing use of disposables in student life and research settings, the problems were vast. At the same time, institutional leaders urged by students and faculty were positioned to support different ways of doing things. Working with students and university administrators, sometimes bolstered by grant funding, we found alternative methods that were more sustainable and less wasteful. We also shifted our understanding of sustainability to include ethical and economic considerations. In the early 2000s, I edited the inaugural Sustainability in Higher Education Journal produced by the Society for College and University. Many of us higher ed administrators changed our approach to planning, incorporating sustainability principles.

As I’ve gotten more involved with Sierra Club CA and the Loma Prieta Chapter, I’m impressed with the broad reach and the deep knowledge in the organization. As I’ve participated in a number of endorsement processes for public officials, I’m struck by how important the Sierra Club endorsement is. Further I appreciate the organization’s willingness to partner with other non-profits in achieving their goals. I’d like to engage with chapter leaders further in deliberations around the direction of the chapter and the club.

Dave Olson

Dave Olson headshot

As a long time member of the Sierra Club (member since the 90s), I have been active in many different Sierra Club programs and conservation efforts. I’ve enjoyed numerous outings, served on the PRG ExCom, endorsed candidates for public office as a member of the Political Committee, joined efforts to protect the SF Bay baylands and presented “Water Issues in California” to the Environmental Sustainability Program and other groups.  I have also worked with numerous non profits and look forward to helping the Loma Prieta Chapter move forward.

Kathy Battat

Kathy Battat headshot

I am eager to serve on the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter ExCom to contribute my leadership and deep commitment to environmental stewardship. My journey began with the Sierra Club’s Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP) in 2019, which fueled my involvement in the Loma Prieta chapter and the ELA group. I’ve actively participated in interviewing and endorsing congressional candidates, championing legislation, mentoring students, and contributing to the Sierra Club Insider.

My passion for environmental advocacy extends beyond the Sierra Club. I co-led the Electric Home Tour in 2022 and 2023, showcasing electric home appliances, and played a key role in passing Reach Codes in Hillsborough. I also contributed as a guest author in our town newspaper, advocating for the fiscal benefits of replacing gas water heaters and space heaters with heat pumps.

With 25 years of volunteer experience, including leadership roles on the Hillsborough Schools Foundation Board and the GATE Parents Group of the San Mateo Union High School District, I have a strong background in organizing fundraisers, managing grant programs, and engaging communities.

Looking forward, I am particularly concerned about the implications of the recent Supreme Court decision reversing the Chevron doctrine. I believe it is crucial to develop robust legislation to combat global warming and ensure clean air and water. Locally, I support initiatives to expand the electric power grid, enhance the electric charging network, and reduce barriers to sustainable housing and transportation development. I am also deeply concerned about the impact of plastics on our environment and food chain.

Guadalupe Group Executive Committee

There are four (4) open seats, with vote counts determining who gets a full-term spot (3) and who is filling for a partial term (1). Voluntary candidate statements are presented in random order.

Lisa Barboza

See her blog post.

Shawn Britton

With a Sierra Club life membership dating back to 1984, I have been at the forefront of our outings since the early 1990s. My experience in leading these outings, coupled with my past role as chapter secretary and other responsibilities within the chapter, has prepared me for my current position as the Guadalupe Regional Group Outings Chair. I am committed to enhancing our outings and member outreach,  including Sierra Military Outings, and I bring a wealth of experience to this role.

Peninsula Group Executive Committee

There are three (3) open seats, all for a full two-year term.

No candidate statements were submitted.