Open Space Committee

Our Open Spaces are priceless.

       The photo is of an endangered Checkerspot Butterfly, which thrives only in open spaces. Photo by Dave Poeschel







Photo by Dave Poeschel  

The photo is of an endangered Checkerspot Butterfly, which thrives only in open spaces. 

Contact:  Conservation Committee Chair conservation*       

The historic mission of the Sierra Club lies in the protection of imperiled open spaces either by protecting it from inappropriate development or supporting its aquisition and stewardship by public and/or private entities.

San Jose City Council Member Ash Kalra has written an op-ed for the San Jose Mercury News (published October 6, 2016) in which he explains how preserving Coyote Valley is consistent with California’s climate change goals, will protect vital wildlife corridors between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo range, and will safeguard our drinking water aquifer, which is vulnerable to pollution from industrial development because of the porosity of the soils in the valley.  Ash Kalra is  a candidate for the 27th Assembly District and has been endorsed by Sierra Club California.

Coyote Valley's Impact on Water

Proposed industrial developments in Coyote Valley could jeopardize the groundwater resources that provide much of the drinking water for residents of Santa Clara County. A proposal by Panattoni Corporation for a warehouse/distribution center and... Read more.

San Mateo County Parks' Plan to Update Flood County Park Threatens Rare Oaks

San Mateo County Parks has been working on "reimagining" Flood County Park since 2015.  It is now in the "realize" stage,, but you can still participate in the planning process by attending community meetings and/or sign the petition

 There is a conflict developing because aspects of the reimaging require many trees to be removed.

Our concern arises -- not simply over removal of trees but -- because County Parks and many residents are unaware of the cultural and historic significance of the very old native valley oak, coast live oak, and bay trees in this County Park.  Most of the valley floor between the San Francisco baylands and mountains was originally oak savanna and woodlands.  Today they are ALL but gone with just a few acres left in San Jose at the Guadalupe Oak Grove Park and here at Flood Park making these remnants extremely scarce and irreplaceable. Read more

Friends of CSM Community Gardens

The state Supreme Court held up a stop sign Wednesday to the paving machinery that the College of San Mateo wants to use on its 54-year-old campus garden. College district officials must first study the environmental effects of replacing the...Read more.

Save Coyote Valley

The most beautiful and environmentally important area in San Jose is at risk of development that would jeopardize a vital wildlife corridor, put San Jose’s groundwater supply at risk, eliminate some of the best remaining farmland in the county, and...Read more


Do you want to see more e-bikes in our parks’ wildernesses?  They are out there now, though their presence is illegal.   Section 2-5-29 (n) of the Orange County Code of Ordinances:   (n) Motorized Wheeled...Read more